Chapter 8

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Ross's POV/

I woke up. Weird. Why did I wake up so early? I tried going back to sleep but it wasn't working. I then decided to go downstairs to get a glass of milk since it'll help me go back to sleep. I got out of bed and walked out of my room. As I do I then see Laura's door wide open. Is she downstairs? I then shrug it off and head downstairs. I didn't see her. Huh? Where is she? I grab a glass of milk and drink it up. As I do I see a note on the dinner table. Hmm... wonder what it says. I pick it up and began to read.

Dear Lynch family,

I am so sorry for ruining your family. I should have never intruded your family and I am deeply sorry. As you're reading this I am probably far away now. Yup, I ran away. I just couldn't bare the hurt I was feeling. I'm sorry but I just had too. Don't bother looking for me, you'll just wasting your time. Please don't look for me, please. I had a fun time being in your family for a bit but that was never meant to last. I'm sorry and goodbye everyone. I'll miss you :'(
P.S I hope you're happy Ross. You got what you wanted.

I couldn't believe this. I ran upstairs to her room and checked her closet. All her clothes are gone. She's really gone. I cried. I sat down on the floor hugging my knees and rocking back and forth. This is all my fault. Bc of me being an idiot she's gone. She's really gone and I'm the cause of it. It's all my fault. It's all my fault. I guess I was crying to loud bc my family ran in Laura's room comforting me and asking what's wrong. I couldn't speak and gave them the note. They all read it.

End of POV/

everyone:(reads the note)

Stormie:(tears up) My baby!

Mark:(hugs her)

Riker: I can't believe she's gone

Rydel:(tears up)

Ryland & Rocky:(tears up and hugs eachother)

Ross:(cries) I'm sorry guys. I never meant for this to happen. I'm so so sorry

Riker:(helps him up) It's gonna be okay Ross. We're not mad at you, it's not your fault

Rydel: We got to find her now

Mark: We'll start searching tomorrow morning, right now everyone get their rest

Ross: B-But we have to find her right away! She could be sleeping on the streets or something!

Mark: I know but we'll search for her tomorrow morning. I promise you Ross, she's gonna be alright

Ross:(sighs) Oh fine (goes to his room)

everyone:(goes to their rooms)

Ross:(just lays in bed thinking) (sighs) Why did I have to do this? Why? (cries but eventually falls asleep)

The Next Day

Ross:(wakes up) (quickly get's dressed and walks down)

everyone:(looks at him) Morning Ross

Ross: Morning, so are we going to find her now?

Mark: You go eat, we're getting a plan together

Ross:(nods and get's a bowl of cereal)

Mark: Okay so Riker & Rocky, you take this part of town. Ryland & Ratliff, you take this part. Rydel, you and Ross will search that area. Stormie & I will search here


Riker: I sure hope she's okay

Rocky: We all do bro


Rydel:(looks at him) (walks up to him) Hey it's gonna be alright. It's not your fault

Ross: Yes it is. Didn't you see what the letter said? It is my fault

Rydel:(sighs) It's not. We'll find her soon, don't worry


Stormie: Okay everyone, let's get on going

everyone:(gets in their car and drives away looking for Laura)

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