Chapter 90

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2 weeks later

everyone:(in Stormie & Mark's room eating breakfast and talking)

Rydel: So.... (smiles) You like the 'party' we planned for you?

Ross: What happened to having a party with you guys

Mark: Well we were gonna do a party but we decided to make you a date instead

Laura:(Smiles) Well we really liked it, thank you

Riker: Least we could do for Ross and you

Ryland: Mostly Ross

Ross: Hey!

Rocky: Dude, you were a bigger wreck than Laura was

Ross: Well I'm sorry that I love her so much

Laura:(Smiles) Awe, look at you being all sweet and it isn't even the afternoon

Ross: You shut up and eat

Laura:(giggles and eats)

Ross: So what are we gonna do now?

Stormie: Maybe go to the beach or go on the rides

Rydel: Can we go to the beach? I want to relax

Laura: I'm with you there

Riker: They say the waves are really good today

Ross: Ooh! That's good

Ryland: Let's go to the beach

Mark: Well after breakfast we'll get ready and head to the beach

everyone: Yes!

They all finish eating their breakfast and go to their room getting ready for the beach

Laura: Ross, you all ready to go to the beach?

Ross:(in the bathroom) Yeah, just getting my shorts on

Laura: Okay (puts everything that they'll need in the bag to take on the beach)

Ross:(walks out in his swim trunks) Ready

Laura: Took you long enough

Ross: Say so for yourself

Laura: Excuse me, I didn't take 15 minutes to just get my bathing suit on

Ross: I did something else

Laura: Like what? Poo? (smirks)

Ross:(rolls his eyes) Oh god Laur

Laura:(Smiles) Well let's go, your family is waiting for us

Ross:(nods and takes the bag)

Laura: Oh I could take the--

Ross:(Shakes his head) To late (walks out)

Laura:(shakes her head and walks out catching up to Ross)

A little while later

At the beach

Ross: Laur, come in the water with me

Laura: But I want to stay in the dry parts of the earth

Ross: Pretty please with gogurt on top

Laura: Gogurt on top of what?

Ross: Gogurt of course, don't be an idiot Laura

Laura:(rolls her eyes playfully) Whatever

Ross: Now don't you whatever me missy

Laura:(giggles) Go ask Rydel or your brothers to go in with you

Ross: They're already in the water, I want my girlfriend to be in the water with me

Laura:(groans) Ross!

Ross: Come on, just get in the water

Laura: Ugh! Fine (gets up and takes off her cover up and sun glasses)

Ross:(smiles and takes her hand) Yay! Let's go (drags her in the water)

Laura:(squeals and jumps into Ross's arms) It's cold

Ross: You'll get use to it (Goes in deeper)

Laura: No Ross, it's to cold

Ross: You'll just have to adjust to it, just wait

Laura: No, it's to cold

Ross: Well to bad (goes underwater with her)

Laura:(comes up shivering)

Ross: Didn't think that would happen, I thought you'd get use to it

Laura:(Shakes her head)

Ross: Oops, I'll bring you back up (walks back to the shore and wraps Laura in her towel and sits down on the beach chair with Laura in his lap) You warming up?

Laura:(Shakes her head)

Ross:(puts another rowel around her) Here, this might help

Laura:(rest her head on his chest shivering)

Ross: Laur, your lips are blue


Ross: I'm gonna take you upstairs to our room

Laura:(shakes her head)

Ross: Laur, you're gonna die of hypothermia, I'm not letting that happen and it is 0 degrees right now. Let's go (picks her up and their things) Mom, we're gonna go back to our room, Laura's shivering cold and I'm gonna warm her up

Stormie: Okay, we'll be up soon

Ross:(nods walks back to the hotel since the hotel is right next to the beach)

A little while later

Ross:(walks back in the room with 2 cups of hot cocoa) (puts it down on the mini table and lays in bed with Laura wrapping his arms around her)

Laura:(warming up a bit)

Ross: How you feeling?

Laura: Not so cold

Ross: You sure?

Laura:(nods) Sorry for you ruining your beach day

Ross: It's okay, there's other days for the beach, I just want to hang out with my girl


Ross: You want you hot cocoa

Laura:(nods) Yes please

Ross:(carefully passes it to her) Be careful

Laura:(nods and sips it) Warm

Ross:(smiles) Good

Laura & Ross:(drink their hot chocolate and watch many movies together laying in bed in each other's arms)

Note: Sorry it sucks. :(

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