Chapter 79

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A few days later

Ross:(walks down backwards)

Stormie:(putting breakfast on the table) (looks at Ross weirdly) Ross? What are you doing?

Ross: This is one of my task to be backwards all day

Laura:(smiles) It's one of the silly ones I put on the list

Rydel: So everything?


Riker: How's he gonna eat?

Laura:(Shrugs) That's his problem

Ross:(whines) Laura please! Just let me do my eating and drinking properly please

Laura: well okay, only bc I'm being nice

Ross:(smiles) Thanks Laur (eats his food)

Laura: Yeah yeah (gets up and puts her dishes in the sink)

Mark: Oh guys, we're gonna be having a family day

Rocky: Since when?

Mark: Well your mother wanted for us to hang out as a family more

Stormie: So the list will have to wait till next week

Ryland: Woah woah woah, we're gonna be hanging like a family for the whole week?

Stormie:(nods) Well.... maybe a little longer

Rydel: Why?

Stormie:(smiles) We're gonna be going to Disney world Florida for the next 3 weeks as a family

Laura:(Smiles big squealing) Yay!

Ross:(chuckles) What? You've never been to Florida before?

Laura:(shakes her head) Nope. My parents didn't take me out of this state. We didn't really have a family bonding time

Stormie: Well don't worry Laura, you'll have enough family bonding time in these 3 weeks with us

Laura:(Smiles) Thanks Stormie

Mark: Well everyone get packing, we have less than 16 hours to get on that plane to flordia

Laura:(runs upstairs packing her things already)

Ross:(chuckles sighing in happiness) You don't know how in love I am right now

Stormie: Just get packing Romeo

Ross:(nods and swallows his food and goes upstairs to pack)

everyone:(goes up to their room and packs)

A few hours later *9:00pm*

Laura:(walks out of her bathroom with a robe wrapped around her and having hair in a towel)

Knock! Knock!

Laura: Um.... come in

Ross:(walks in) Hey Laur

Laura: Oh hey

Ross: Did you just get out of the shower?

Laura: Well duh! Do you not see the wet hair in a towel and my legs soaked?!

Ross: Sorry, just tired

Laura:(smirks) Aw, does baby Ross need his nappy time?

Ross: Okay, never ever ever do that again, ever

Laura:(giggles) Go finish packing

Ross: I'm done. I wanted to hang out with you but you're still getting ready to go to the airport

Laura:(Shrugs) Then watch tv

Ross: I can't

Laura: Why not?

Ross: Bc one of your task said that I can't watch tv for 2 days

Laura: Dude, we're not aloud to do the task these 3 weeks

Ross: I know but then it'll be longer till we'll get together

Laura:(smiles) You really want to get back together, don't you?

Ross:(nods) More then ever

Laura:(sighs) Yeah right (turns to her mirror looking at herself)

Ross: What are you talking about? What?

Laura: I-It's nothing

Ross: No tell me. From that tone in your voice I could hear something wrong, so what's wrong?

Laura:(shakes her head looking down) If you really want to be together, then why did you cheat on me?

Ross: Laur I--

Laura:(turns to him) I know, you already told me but I still don't get why. You keep saying that you really love me and if you really do then why did you cheat on me? Why did you blow your chance?

Ross: I... I don't really know. I was stupid and wasn't thinking of how much I had in front of me, I guess I wanted more attention. I wanted to feel like I was wanted, like I was loved

Laura: I loved you Ross and I want you, I want you as my best friend, my boyfriend my everything, just to be in my life

Ross: I know but when you kept blowing me off, I thought that you were just losing interest in me and I feared that you were cheating on me with another guy

Laura: Why would you think that?

Ross: Bc I was scared and clueless and I guess I didn't really trust you as much as I thought

Laura: Huh? Now you got me confused

Ross: Well, I was just paranoid I guess you can say. I always kept worrying about you leaving me for someone better

Laura: Why would you think that? You know, besides me flaking you off

Ross: Laura have you looked at yourself? You're beautiful and so talented. You love kids, you're a good friend, you make the room light up with joy just by walking in, you always put a smile on someone's face no matter what, you love love (smiles)

Laura:(breathes out a chuckle) (smiling at Ross a lot and blushing a bit)

Ross: You have the biggest heart than anyone else I know. What kind of guy wouldn't want you as his? I.. I was just scared that I wasn't good enough for you

Laura:(looks at him feeling a bit bad)

Ross: When we use to date, I always dreamed that someone took you from my arms and you just left with the guy not even remembering who I am bc then the guy would ask "what about him?" and then you'd say "Who?" with that lovey dovey smile that just makes me want to melt

Laura:(smiles a little looking at Ross)

Ross: I don't know what I was thinking back then but I know that I want you as mine no matter what, I don't care about Maia or any other girl, just you. I want you as my girlfriend, my wife, possibly the mother to our future kids

Laura:(smiles bigger)

Ross: I'll always love you Laura and I'm so sorry for hurting you (looks at her with sad puppy eyes hoping for forgiveness)

Laura:(opens her arms) Come here you big softy

Ross:(smiles and walks over to her hugging her)

Laura:(hugs back as tight as she can) That was beautiful Ross, thank you

Ross: Of course Laura, it's true, everything that I said was true and I hope that deep down inside of you that you'll forgive me and give me another chance

Laura:(smiles nodding and whispers) Okay

Ross:(smiles big and hugs her tighter)

Laura:(pulls away) Okay you have to get out now

Ross: Why?

Laura: Well I have to get ready, as you can see, I'm butt naked still

Ross: Oh yeah, cya then (walks out shutting the door behind him)

Laura:(smiles and gets ready still smiling at what Ross said)

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