Chapter 50

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Rydel:(squeals with excitement) Yay!

Laura:(covers her ears) Ow! Shut it Rydel!

Rydel: Oh whatever. The point is you still love Ross! Go talk to him!

Laura: But I'm scared he'll do it to me all over again

Rydel: Ross learns from his mistakes Laura, I promise you he won't do it again

Laura:(sighs) I don't know. I mean he's changed hasn't he

Rydel: Yeah but back to his good ol' self

Laura: Not anymore. He cheated on me

Rydel: Which was a big mistake and Ross has learned his lesson. I mean come on, he's practically dying

Laura:(sighs) I don't know

Rydel: Then sleep on it

Laura:(groans) If I do I'll get a bad dream again

Rydel: Just do it

Laura:(crosses her arms) Fine

Rydel:(smiles) Yay! (claps)

Laura: You cannot tell anyone

Rydel: I promise

Laura: No you have to promise promise

Rydel: I promise promise, geez Laur

Laura: I just don't want anyone to find out

Rydel: Well it's safe with me

Laura:(nods) Good

Rydel:(walks out)

Laura:(lays on her bed thinking) Hmm...

With Rydel

Rydel:(walks in her room shutting the door doing a happy dance jumping) (singing) Yay! Ross & Laura are gonna be back together! They'll live happily ever after! Yeah!


Rydel:(stops) Oops. SORRY MOM! (does a little happy dance) Ross & Laura together, forever! Yeah!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Rydel:(stops) Come in

Riker:(walks in) Hey sis

Rydel: Hey big bro

Riker:(sits on her bed)

Rydel: Not that I don't want you here, which I do, what are you foing here?

Riker: Just wanted to see my little sister

Rydel:(nods) Oh okay

Riker: So, got any news about Ross & Laura?

Rydel:(smiles big)

Riker: By that smile, I can tell there's some big news you want to tell

Rydel:(nods) I do!

Riker: then tell me

Rydel:(frowns) But I can't

Riker: You can't?

Rydel: I can't

Riker: What why?

Rydel: Bc I promised Laura

Riker: What did you promise her?

Rydel: Not to tell anyone that she still loves Ross

Riker: A-ha!

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