Chapter 77

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It's been a few weeks now. Ross has been working hard on the list still fighting to get Laura. Laura is just happy seeing how hard Ross is fighting for her and it's making her fall in love with him more and more. Ross is half way done the list now and is still working on it but the task are more challenging.

Ross:(walks downstairs) Riker, Rocky help me

Riker:(pauses their game) What is it?

Ross: Laura gave me this really hard riddle that I can't solve

Rocky: Let us have a look at it

Ross:(hands them the note)

Riker & Rocky:(looks at it)

Riker:(reads out loud) A man has to get a fox, a chicken, and a sack of corn across a river. He has a rowboat, and it can only carry him and one other thing. If the fox and the chicken are left together, the fox will eat the chicken. If the chicken and the corn are left together, the chicken will eat the corn. How does the man do it? (A/N: Okay I know I'm ripping this riddle thing off of The Next Step but I couldn't think of any riddles and I really like this one)

Ross: I've been trying for a while but I can't figure it out

Rocky: Well good thing that I'm a good riddle solver

Riker: You can't even figure out what 1+1 is!

Rocky: I do so, it's 2

Riker:(looks at Ross)

Ross:(holding up 2 fingers) (looks at Riker and stops what he's doing just rocking back and forth whistling)

Riker:(rolls his eyes) Let's just do this

Ross: Let's go outside to work it out

Rocky: Wait we need one more person


A little while later

Laura:(in her room drawing something)

Rydel:(Walks in her room) Hey girl

Laura: You know there's a thing called knocking

Rydel: Whatever, anyways what are you doing?

Laura: Just drawing

Rydel:(walks over to her and looks at her drawing seeing a dress) A dress?

Laura:(Shakes her head) It's a wedding dress

Rydel:(looks at it and smiles) That's beautiful Laura

Laura: It's kind of my future dress if you will

Rydel: It's really nice, I love the way it just fits you right and then it flows out

Laura:(Smiles) Thanks

Riker: No Ross! It's goes like this!

Ross: No! Like this!

Rocky: You're both wrong! It goes like this!

Ryland: Why are we even fighting about this?!

Laura: Oh boy, let's check this out

Rydel & Laura:(walks down and looks outside seeing the guys arguing)

Laura: What are you guys arguing about?!

R/R/R/R:(looks at her)

Ross: Oh hey Laur

Rydel: What are you doing?

Riker: We're trying to figure out this riddle

Laura: You're that far?

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