Chapter 80

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A few more hours later

everyone:(bringing their luggage down)

Laura:(smiles) I am so excited to go to Disney World

Ross:(chuckles) I haven't seen anyone this excited to go to Disney World besides my cousin Ella, and she's 4

Laura: Well I haven't been there before so don't judge my excitement

Ross:(rolls his eyes playfully)

Stormie: Well everyone just chill for a bit till our cab comes to pick us up and take us to the airport

Laura:(sits on the counter listening to music on her phone)

Ross:(sits next to her taking an ear bud and listens to her music smiles) You like All time low?

Laura: Duh. Didn't you know that?

Ross:(shakes his head) I guess not

Laura: Wow, you really didn't know me that well as I thought

Ross: Hey, I know a lot of other things about you

Laura: Really?

Ross:(nods) Yeah. You're favourite colour is red, you favourite food is gogurt, you love to play soccer, you like a lot of genres of music but your favourite would have to be classic, you hate being called "Laurie", you love your wedges since you're to short--

Laura: Hey!

Ross:(chuckles) Just saying, anyways you.... don't like wearing sandals but flip flops, you love the beach, you love to sing and dance, you--

Laura: Okay, I think I get it now. You do know some things about me

Ross: Oh I know a lot but you stopped me before I could continue

Laura:(rolls her eyes playfully) Yeah sure

Honk! Honk!

Mark: That's our ride guys, come on and let's load these bags in the car

Riker: We're gonna need another cab just for Rydel's bags (chuckles)

Rydel:(hits him) Shut up Riker and just for that, you can load Laura and I's bags in. Come on Laura (takes her hand and leads her to the cab getting in)

Riker: Oh joy.... -_-

Ross: Well you shouldn't have made fun of her packing of luggage's (grabs his bags and walks out)

everyone:(loads their bags in the car and get in the cab van)

cab driver:(Drives to the airport)

Laura:(Smiles humming "Somewhere in Neverland") (A/N: Such a great song guys, you should go listen to it :))

Ross:(looks at her and takes one ear bud listening to the ear bud) (mumbles) "Wendy, run away with me"

Laura:(looks at him) You like ALT?

Ross:(nods) Well I'm not really a fan but I know some of their songs

Laura: I can't even talk to you right now. How can you not like ALT?

Ross:(shrugs) I just haven't really listen to them that much

Laura: Dude, for this whole trip you are gonna listen to ALT, I don't care how much you complain, you just have to listen to it no matter what till you're a fan and for me to really know that you are a fan I'll give you a test

Ross: This isn't school Laur, this is suppose to be vacation

Laura: Just shut up and do what I say, I'll even take 3 of the task for this one challenge

Ross:(Thinks about it) Can I pick which ones you can take off?

Laura:(thinks) 2

Ross:(nods) Deal

Laura & Ross:(shakes it on it)

Stormie:(looks at them) None of that list thing these 3 weeks

Ross: We're not mom, we're just doing a little challenge

Stormie: Whatever, just no nothing

Laura: Okay Stormie, we promise. I'm just making Ross become a fan of ATL

Rocky: OMG! I love that band!

Laura:(smiles) Me too!

Rocky & Laura:(start fangirling over ATL)

Ross:(a little jealous but let's it go)

A little while later

everyone:(going through security)

Laura:(does the security thing)

officer:(uses the wand on her) Okay you're good

Laura:(puts her shoes and bling back on and gets her things set)

Rydel:(keeps beeping)

officer: Ma'am please take off any metal things you're wearing

Rydel:(sighs and takes her bling off, her bobby pins, her phone, her bedazzled heels, her sweater, her other metal things in her pockets) (goes through again)


Rydel: Ugh! Why does this keep happening?

Ryland:(playing with the buttons) (quietly laughs)

Mark:(looks at him and pulls him to him) Knock it off, you're lucky I caught you before they did, you could've gotten in big trouble

Ryland:(nods and goes through the security)

Ross:(on his phone)

Laura:(looks at him) Why are you so hooked onto your phone?

Ross: I'm getting all of ATL albums on my phone

Laura:(smirks) Already hooked on ATL I see?

Ross: Well not really but when you want to play with my phone, you can listen to your favourite band

Laura:(Smiles) You're wasting all you iTunes card's money on me?

Ross:(nods) Yeah

Laura: Awe Ross, that's.... a little strange but sweet (smiles)

Ross:(blushes a bit smiling) Thanks

Rocky: Yo Laura! Look what I found on this magazine!

Laura:(walks over to him)

Ross:(sighs jealous and a little mad)

Riker:(walks over to Ross) You look mad and annoyed Ross, why? We're going to Disney World, you love Disney World

Ross: I'm not mad!

Riker:(taken back) Woah, you sure Ross?

Ross: I'm fine! (storms off)

Rydel:(walks over to Riker) What's his problem?

Riker: I don't know but I'm gonna find out

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