Chapter 70

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The Next Day

Ross:(in the bathroom still trying to get the makeup off his face) (groans) I hated that so much! (grumbles getting the makeup off)

Laura:(walks in the bathroom and laughs)

Ross:(Glares at her) Not in the mood

Laura: Will you please hurry? I need the bathroom

Ross: Just go use your bathroom

Laura: I can't

Ross: And why can't you?

Laura: Bc I don't want to

Ross:(rolls his eyes) You are unbelievable

Laura:(Smiles) Thanks now get out

Ross:(walks out)

Laura:(shuts the door and showers)

Ross:(sighs walking down to the kitchen where everyone else is)

Rydel: How's the list going?

Ross: I've only done one and I'm so annoyed with it already

Riker: Well this is for you getting back together with Laura

Ross:(Groans) I know but she's making me work for it! She never got me to do this before!

Rydel: That's bc you didn't break her heart yet idiot

Ross:(Rolls his eyes) Whatever

Mark: Did you hear that this week is gonna be all about broncos?

Ross:(smiles) Sweet!

Ryland: I am so ready for this week!

Riker: Oh yeah! My favourite week of all time!

Rocky: I am so ready to get my broncos on!

Stormie: Well I better make a lot of chicken wings and more junk for you guys

the guys: Yes!

Rydel: I thought you were gonna work on your list?

Ross: I'll do a lot of them now (grabs his list and checks them off) Oh this one is easy

Riker: What is it?

Ross: All I have to do is make a drawing that represents Laura. Pfff! Easy (goes upstairs to his room grabbing his note book and pencil running back down and starts working on the drawing)

Rydel:(takes the list and sees it) You have to do your hardest and make it, not just do music notes and a stick girl of Laura

Ross:(shows them his drawing of stick Laura and the music notes) Awe! That's not fair!

Stormie: Ross please. You wanna get back together with Laura, right?

Ross:(nods) Yeah

Stormie: This list is proving how much you truly love Laura. She wants you to work for it. She wants to see if you truly love her

Ross: I do

Stormie: Then you can't do loop holes or try to get out of it fast. You have to work hard for it and try the best you can

Ross: I get it mom. Thanks

Stormie: Now go work on that drawing

Ross:(nods and works on the drawing)

Laura:(At the top of the stairs smiling of how hard Ross is gonna work for her) (goes in her room and changes)

A little while later

Laura:(walks down)

Ross:(Working on the drawing still)

Laura:(sits down on the couch)

Rocky: Hey Laur, you gonna watch broncos week with us?

Laura:(Smirks getting an idea) Thanks Rocky, I have just the plan (Goes upstairs)


Laura:(walks down with something in her hand) Hey Ross (stands in front of Ross)

Ross:(looks at her) Yeah?

Laura: Let's start with another thing on the list

Ross: But I'm already doing something else

Laura: You can do both of them

Ross: Okay

Laura: Now. Roll these die (hands him the dice)

Ross:(rolls the dice and gets 6) I got 6

Laura:(Smirks) Great. That means 6 days of not watching the broncos

Ross: What?!

Laura: Didn't you read the list?

Ross: Well..... yeah but until 20 then I stopped

Laura: Well you should've read it

Ross: Laura please. Please don't do this to me

Laura: Sorry but that's what you get

Ross: Why do I get it?

Laura: Are you seriously stupid?

Ross:(realizes what she's saying) I got ya

Laura:(Rolls her eyes) So starting tomorrow no watching broncos

Ross:(sighs) The things I do for you

Laura:(smiles kissing his cheek) I know, I'm a handful but it's not my fault you fell for me

Ross: You fell for me to cupcake

Laura:(waves off the question and sits on the couch)

Ross:(smiles and goes back to the drawing)

A few hours later

everyone:(but Ross) (eating dinner)

Stormie: Ross get over here and eat

Ross: Can't mom, busy

Rydel:(smirks humming the "K-I-S-S-I-N-G song")

Ross:(glares at Rydel) Shut up

Rydel:(giggles and stops) Okay

Laura: What are you doing Ross?

Ross: Just wait....... and..... done! (shows her the drawing of a portrait of her in the middle with everything else that resembles her)

Laura:(smiles) Wow. This is amazing Ross

Ross:(smiles) Thanks. It took me like all day

Laura:(smiles) Well that's one of the task done

Ross: Do you like it?

Laura:(nods) I love it. Thanks Ross (kisses his cheek)

Ross:(smiles blushing a bit) Thanks Laur

Riker: Ooh! Is Rossy blushing?

Ross: Shut up Riker


Mark: Well that's nice Ross, now come eat with us now

Ross: Alright

everyone:(eats dinner together talking and having a good time with eachother's presence)

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