Chapter 48

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Well a week has past and nothing has changed really. Ross is always in his room but Laura is sort of getting out of her room more. Since she knows that Ross is always in his room she won't have a problem breaking out with him in the room. The Lynch's are still working on the "master plan" on getting Ross & Laura back together. Everyone has talked to Laura but she denies them all. So far, they're getting no where and that is breaking them big time.

Laura:(sitting on the couch)

Rydel:(Sits down next to her) Hey Laur

Laura: If this is about me and Ross getting back together then don't bother

Rydel: Come on Laura, please

Laura: No. If he wanted me back so bad he shouldn't have cheated on me with Maia

Rydel: Please Laura, just follow me first

Laura: Why?

Rydel: Just follow me (drags her outside)

Laura: Why are we going outside?

Rydel: To see Ross

Laura: Then I'm out (yanks her hand away from Rydel)

Rydel: We're not gonna talk to him don't worry. Just follow me please

Laura:(Sighs) We better not be talking to him

Rydel: I swear now follow me

Laura:(sighs and follows Rydel to the slide door frame that leads outside) So?

Rydel: Just look at Ross

Laura: He's outside?

Rydel: He just came outside

Laura: Alright (looks at Ross and sees that he's so sad)

Ross:(sitting at the outside table just crying with his head on the table) I hate myself, I hate myself (over and over again)

Laura:(Tears up but wipes her tears away)

Rydel:(pulls her back in)

Laura:(sits down on the couch) Wow

Rydel: See. Laura please try and consider being friends with him at least. He's a wreck and needs you in his life

Laura: I don't know Rydel can I just have a time to think

Rydel:(nods) Sure (walks away)

Laura:(leans back on the couch thinking)

Ross:(walks in the living room)

Laura:(looks at him)

Ross: Sorry, I'll just go up to my room (goes up to his room)

Laura:(sighs tearing up talking to herself) I'm sorry Ross

Another week later

Laura:(in her room drawing something on her drawing book)

Riker:(knocks on the door) Knock knock knock

Laura:(smiles) Come in Riker

Riker:(walks in) Hey

Laura: Hey

Riker: So, have you thought about it?

Laura: What about?

Riker: About trying to be friends with Ross

Laura: Well...

Riker:(looks at her drawing and sees her and Ross happy with eachother) (smiles) You have to give this to Ross Laura

Laura:(shrugs) I don't know. I don't even know if I'm ready to at least try to be friends with him

Riker: Well just so you know he's outside again

Laura: But it's raining

Riker: Exactly, he really needs you Laura

Laura: Oh geez (grabs her rain coat and a umbrella running downstairs outside) Ross!

Ross:(doesn't bother to look at her)

Laura:(sighs and runs outside putting the umbrella over her and his head) Let's go inside!

Ross: No!

Laura: Why not?

Ross: Why should I bother about taking care of myself? I don't have anything to live for anyways!

Laura: Just come on and get inside with me

Ross: No!

Laura:(groans and gets him up dragging him inside)

Ross: Stop it!

Laura: No! We're going inside whether you like it or not!

Ross: Well I don't!

Laura: What's wrong with you?

Ross:(sighs) I'm sorry, I just miss you is all

Laura:(sighs) Can we just get inside first then we'll talk?

Ross: Fine (Gets inside the house with Laura)

Laura:(runs upstairs grabbing a towel and runs back down) Here (hands it to him0

Ross:(takes it wrapping himself in it)

Laura: What were you thinking Ross?

Ross: I was thinking that I ruined everything that we had

Laura:(looks at him)

Ross:(walks up closer to her) I'm sorry Laura, please just please give me another chance. I promise you won't regret it, ever

Laura: How can I be so sure to trust you again? (tears up) I mean you were the first person that I could trust again, to love again

Ross: I know I broke your trust and love but if you--

Laura: Ross I can't

Ross: Why not?

Laura:(looks down) I'm scared that once we do get back together, you'll leave me again

Ross:(lifts her head up) I promise that I won't and I mean it this time, I promise I promise I promise a million times plus 3

Laura:(giggles lightly) Why 3?

Ross: Bc it look likes a butt at it's side (laughs imaging it)


Ross:(looks at her and smiles) I've never seen you smile or laugh since.... (smile soon fades) Since we were together

Laura:(Sighs) I know and I haven't seen you smile since that day either

Ross: Laura can we please try and work this out? Please just give me another chance

Laura:(sighs) Ros--

Ross: Please Laura. I promise you won't regret it


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