Chapter 43

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Ross:(crying hard) LAURA!!!.... LAURA!!

everyone:(runs upstairs) What's wrong?

Ross:(looks at them with tears in his eyes)

Stormie: Oh sweetie (rushes up to his side and hugs him)

Ross:(cries into her shoulder)

Riker: What happened?

Ross:(looks up at Rydel & Ratliff)

Ratlff:(sighs looking down)

Rydel:(looks at Ross then Ratliff) (eyes widen and gasps looking back at Ross) It can't be true, Ross it can't!

Ross:(cries into Stormie's shoulder again)

Rocky: Will someone please tell me what's going on please?!

Laura:(opens the door) You want to know what's going on!?

everyone:(but Ross) (nods)

Ross:(stands up looking at Laura) Laura I'm sorry



Ross:(tears up) Laura I--

Laura: Save it! (slams the door in his face)

Ross:(bangs on the door) Laura! Laura open teh door!

Rydel: Ross.... how could you?

Ross:(sighs looking at her) I don't know what I was thinking. All I know is that I just lost the best thing that has ever happened to me

Stormie: I am so disappointed in you Ross

Mark: How could you hurt two innocent girls?!

everyone:(looks at Mark)

Mark: Well not Maia so much.... but Laura yes!

Ross: I know! It was a stupid thing that I wish I never wanted to do. Once Laura and I..... you know what

Stormie: In my house!?

Ross: What? No! In my cabin

Riker: First of all nice job bro (smiles then gets serious) Second of all, what were you thinking!?

Ross: Don't act all innocent Riker! You've probably done this about 2 times now

Riker:(ignores the question) It's not about me

Ross: But you've also done this!!

Stormie:(looks at Riker) Is this true Riker?

Riker:(sighs) Yes, it's true

Mark:(sighs) I can't believe you two boys

Rocky: Well, since we're all confessing.. I've done it several times

Rydel: And how many is 'several' times to you?

Rocky: About.... 4 or 6 times?

Stormie:(so disappointed) I did not raise you boys to act this way!!

Ryland: Looks like I'm the good boy after all

Riker: Oh shut up Ryland. You've done it too

Ryland: Yeah, I have

Mark:(mad) TO YOUR ROOMS!! NOW!!

R/R/R:(walks into their room)

Ross:(ignores him and tries to talk to Laura) Laura please. I'm sorry, I really am. I was stupid and I didn't know what I was thinking. I'm just.... selfish. I'm a selfish Lynch and I don't deserve you but I really want to have another chance with you. As a friend or more but I just want to be in your life again and I want you to be in mine

No Answer

Ross:(sighs) Just please think about it Laura

Mark: Ross to your room now

Ross:(looks at Mark with tears streaming down his face) Yes sir.... (walks to his room sad)

Stormie:(tears up) I'm a terrible mother

Mark:(hugs her comforting her)

Rydel: No your not mom. I mean the guys are just stupid but I turned out great

Ratliff: How's that suppose to make her feel better?

Rydel:(Shrugs) I don't know I'm just saying that I turned out great (smiles proudly)

Mark: Rydel not right now please

Rydel: Sorry daddy. Let's go Ratliff (walks down with Ratliff)

Stormie:(looks at Mark) W-What are we gonna do?

Mark: I don't know sweetie but we're gonna think of a way

Stormie:(rest her head on his chest) Our family is falling apart honey

Mark:(sighs) I know but we're the Lynch's and we can do anything

Stormie: What if this one is impossible to fix?

Mark: We just got to get the boys to know how bad cheating is

Stormie: But what about Laura?

Mark: Yeah..... I was hoping that you wouldn't ask that (sighs) I don't know about this one honey

Stormie: I just want our family to go back to teh way it was

Mark: I know you do Stormie but we're gonna fix it

Stormie:(looks at him) You sure?

Mark: I haven't been more sure since the day I said 'I do' (smiles)

Stormie:(Smiles) I love you

Mark:(smiles and peck kisses her) I love you too honey

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