Chapter 7

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Lynch family & Ratliff:(walks downstairs)

Rydel: How can Ross think that we don't love or care for him?

Stormie: He just thinks that bc of what he did for the couple of months. When he was being rude, talking back and all. It just makes him think he's ruining the family but he's not

Ryland: Well...

Ratliff:(looks at him) Well what?

Ryland: When mom put's it like that, it does sound like he ruined the family...

everyone: Ryland!!

Ryland: What? I'm just saying

Stormie:(sighs) Whatever

Riker: What are we gonna do?

Mark: Let them cool down for a bit


A little while later

Stormie: Dinner's ready

Mark: Riker, can you go get Ross and Laura for me?

Riker:(nods and goes upstairs to Ross's room) (knocks) Yo bro, dinner time

Ross: I'm not hungry

Riker: Well there's a shocker, you're always hungry

Ross: Well I'm not this time so bye

Riker:(walks in) Ross

Ross:(sighs) I told you I'm not hungry

Riker: I know that's not true (sits down) Are you okay?

Ross: She hates me now (sighs)

Riker: I bet that's not true

Ross: Oh yeah? She told me to rot in hell! I'm pretty sure that's hate

Riker: Yeah I heard

Ross:(looks at him weirdly) Huh?

Riker: The whole family was eavesdropping. Well sort of, I think the whole neighborhood heard you guys


Riker: Just give it some time. She's just really hurt

Ross: I know but I just want to say I'm sorry

Riker: I know but she just needs time. Don't worry

Ross:(nods) Okay

Riker: Now come on. It's dinner

Ross: Okay

Riker: We got to get Laura first, so come on (leads her to Laura's room) (knocks) Laura? It's dinner time

Laura: I'm not hungry

Riker: But you've been in your room for like hours. You need to eat and drink something


Ross & Riker:(scared and runs down to the table)

Stormie: Where's Laura?

Riker: She yelled at us and we got scared. Also she won't come out

Mark:(sighs) I guess we'll be eating without her

everyone:(sighs and eats)

Ross:(thinking: It's all my fault it's all my fault it's all my fault etc)

Ryland: Ross don't say that. It's not

Ross: Huh?

Ratliff: You keep saying it's all my fault over and over

Ross: Oh...

Stormie: Don't' worry Ross. She'll come around


A few hours later

Laura's POV/

It hurt to much. I can't stay here any longer. I just can't. I can't even eat or sleep or anything! All I do is cry cry cry. The words that Ross said just went through me hurting me so much after each word. Even thinking about it just hurts. What he said is all true and is slowly breaking my heart. It's all true it is. I just wanted to have a family I had once but Ross just had to ruin it all. I just don't know what to do. All I can think about is one thing I can do. I have to do it. No one will care anyways. I guess that's it then.




























That's to run away.

End of POV/

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