Chapter 67

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A few hours later

R/R/R/R:(walks in talking)

Ross:(on the couch pouting having his arms crossed mad)

Rydel:(looks at Ross) Did you lose?

Ross:(nods) That's not the reason why I'm mad though

Riker: What's up then?

Ross: Laura

Rocky: What happened now?

Ross: She totally spazzed out at me!

Ryland: If she yelled at you, you probably did something wrong

Ross: I did nothing wrong

Rydel: Just tell us so we can get this over with

Ross: I was trying to discuss her and I getting back together but then we got in a argument

Rocky: What did you say?

Ross: I said if she was thinking about getting back together, then she said that everything could possibly mess up if we do. Then yadda yadda yadda we were talking then she said how could she trust me again if I cheated on her the first time then we got into a argument about that then she said something about Maia I said something back at her then she lost it and stormed up to her room like a little girl

Ryland: Why would you bring that up?

Ross: What?

Ryland: Maia!

Rydel: And why did you defend her anyways?

Ross: I don't know

Rydel: Do you still like her?

Ross: Oh god no! After what she caused of me and Laura's relationship (shakes his head)

Riker: You can't blame all of it on her though, you did part in it too

Ross: I know but still

Riker: There is no "but still" you jeopardized your relationship with Laura, enough said

Ross: But--

Rydel: Tell us Ross. Who came on who first? You or Maia?

Ross:(looks at her)

Rydel: Well who?

Ross:(sighs) I did

Rydel: Then it is all of you to blame

Ross: But I was mad

Rocky: Of what?

Ross: Laura

Rocky: What could she have possibly done to hurt you?

Ross: Well I wanted to hangout with her but she always kept saying another time, another time for the last 3 weeks!

Ryland: So you decided to date Maia to get your anger off?

Ross: I just wanted to hangout with someone and she first popped into my mind so we hung out. One thing led to another and soon I asked her to be my girlfriend

Laura:(at the top of the stairs leaning from the balcony thingy) Is that what it was all about?! Was that why you decided to hurt me?!

R/R/R/R/R:(looks at her)

Ross:(stands up) You hurt me too! You kept bailing on me!

Laura: I was trying to get money!

Ross: For what?! For your selfish self!?

Laura: I was doing it for you!! I knew our anniversary was coming up and I wanted to buy you a present! I had it all there till I found out that you were cheating on me!! You cheated on me Ross!! Over me not hanging out with you when you wanted to! Not everything is about you!! And nothing will be in my perspective!!! (throws something at him making it fall down completely broken) There!! There's your lame stupid present that I worked so hard to get on!!! (slams her door shut)

Ross:(looks at the broken present on the floor)

R/R/R/R:(looks at Ross)

Ross:(slowly bends down to grab the box opening it) (sees a electric acoustic guitar that has the neck and the back broken) (sighs picking it up)

Rocky: I think it's all clear on who's the worst boyfriend in the world (points at Ross)

Ross: She was never-- she was never my girlfriend

Rydel: Well not anymore or ever

Riker: You completely messed up everything for you and Laura to get back together

Ross: I know! I know! Is there anything else you guys have to say to make me feel more bad?

Ryland: You're wearing an ugly shirt

Ross:(glares at him) Gee thanks

Rocky: You screwed up big time Ross

R/R/R/R:(walks away)

Ross:(sighs hiding his face in his hands) They're right, I am a horrible boyfriend.... well at least a horrible person (sighs)

A few hours later

Stormie & Mark:(walks in the house with groceries and take out)

Hears things upstairs

Mark: Is that my..... drill?

Stormie: Let's go see what's going on (goes upstairs with Mark to the sound)

Mark: Is it coming from Ross's room?

Stormie: I... I think so (slowly walks up to Ross's room with Mark opening it slightly)

Ross:(takes his focus off the guitar to the door) Hey guys

Stormie: What are you doing Ross?

Ross: I'm trying to fix this guitar

Mark: It looks new

Ross: Bc it is

Stormie: What happened? (sighs) Did you make Rydel carrying everything after you guys went shopping? Again? You cannot blame her for this, this time

Ross: No, it was a present from Laura

Mark: Well that's nice of her

Ross: It was but I messed things up and this is how I got a broken guitar

Stormie: What did you do?

Ross:(explains to them)..... then she threw this from the top of the stairs making it break

Stormie: Well she had a right to

Ross: Mom

Stormie: It's true though. You cheated on her after some stupid thing and she trying to do something nice for you

Ross: I know, I had this conversation with my siblings

Mark: Well at least we know 4 of them turned out well

Ross: Dad, ouch

Mark: Well it's either you clean up your act or don't be apart of this family to embarrass us (walks out)

Ross:(sad) Great, now dad hates me

Stormie: He doesn't hate you sweetie, he's just disappointed in you

Ross:(sighs) I don't blame him

Stormie: There's take out on the table if you want to eat

Ross: Maybe later

Stormie: Alright (walks out shutting the door behind her)

Ross:(takes a deep breathe and grabs the blow torch then his mask) (starts it up and gets back to work)

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