Chapter 40

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Rydel:(walks up to her) Hey

Laura:(quickly wipes her eyes) Oh hey (fake smiles)

Rydel: I got you some ie cream

Laura:(Smiles) Thanks (Takes it)

Rydel: You okay? It looks like you've been crying

Laura: Oh, you know just missing my sister is all

Rydel: It'll be okay Laur, you have us now

Laura:(nods and looks at Ross) Um.... yeah

Rydel: You alright?

Laura: Y-Yeah. I'm just gonna go home

Rydel: Want me to come with?

Laura:(shakes her head) No thanks, I want to go alone (gets up and walks away)

Rydel:(sighs) What's wrong with Laura?

Ross:(walks up to her) Where's Laur?

Rydel: She left

Ross: Why? Is she alright?

Rydel:(shrugs) I don't know. She didn't say anything

Ross: I'll go after her (about to run off)

Rydel:(Stops him) Ross no

Ross:(looks at her) Why not?

Rydel: She needs alone time right now. Just give her some

Ross:(sighs) Alright. I won't then

Rydel: She just needs time Ross

Ross: And you have no idea why she left?

Rydel:(shakes her head) Don't think about it and just go have fun with your brothers

Ross:(Sighs) Alright (walks back to the others and plays)

Rydel:(sighs watching them)

A few hours

Back at the Lynch house

Laura:(up in her room drawing something in her drawing book)

Rydel:(knocks on her door) Laura, it's me. Open up

Laura:(hides her drawing book and opens the door) Hey (sits on her bed)

Rydel:(walks in closing the door behind her standing in front of her) You okay?

Laura: Yeah, why you asking?

Rydel: Bc you just left like that. Is everything okay for reals?

Laura: I'm fine Rydel. I promise

Rydel:(looks at her)

Laura: Seriously I am. Stop worrying over me

Rydel:(sighs and sits next to her) Sorry it's just I care alright

Laura:(nods) I'm thankful that you really do care for me but I'm alright right now. I promise

Rydel:(nods) Okay, I believe you

Laura: Good

Rydel: You should talk to Ross, he's been worrying about you

Laura: Oh (runs her hand through her hair) I don't think so

Rydel:(looks at her confused) Why?

Laura: It's just something, I don't want to talk about it (looks down)

Rydel:(Crosses her arms just looking at her)

Laura:(looks at her) Rydel no

Rydel: You brought this unto yourself Laur, just tell me what it is. I won't tell anyone

Laura: You promise?

Rydel:(nods) I'm positive

Laura:(sighs and stand sup grabbing her drawing book)

Rydel: What's with your book?

Laura:(opens it up and shows her a picture she drew)

Rydel:(looks and sees something written in handwriting formed up in a text message and has flames around it) What is this?

Laura: This, is what I saw on Ross's phone. From another girl

Rydel:(eyes widen) What?

Laura:(nods biting her lip and turns the page to show her another)

Rydel:(looks and sees a picture of some sort of couple then sees a girl watching them with tears in her eyes) Laura....

Laura:(closes it putting it away and sits next to her with tears in her eyes)

Rydel: The couple.... it's Ross and that girl who sent him that picture, isn't it?


Rydel: And the girl crying. She was you

Laura:(nods looking down) He's cheating on me Rydel

Rydel: It couldn't be that Laura, it just couldn't. I know my brother wouldn't do that and besides Laura he really loves you

Laura: Yeah but I just don't get why a girl would say that to him

Rydel: Maybe a friend of his?

Laura: Who has winky faces and hearts 20 times in a row

Rydel: Oh...... yeah I can't get Ross out of this one

Laura:(Sighs) And do you want to know another thing?

Rydel: What?

Laura:(whispers looking at her) It was from Maia

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