Chapter 63

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A few days later

Stormie: Come on kids! We have to get Laura from the hospital!

Ross:(slides down the railing of the stairs) Come on! Come on! Come on!

Stormie: Calm down Ross (laughs)

everyone:(walks down)

Ross:(hyper jumping up and down everywhere) Let's go guys!

Riker: Did you take your chill pill?

Rydel: Did Rocky dare you to eat a full bag of sugar? Again?

Rocky: What?! I haven't done that since last July! (thinks about it) But that does sound like the right time to do so

Mark: Oh no. We do not need him more hyper then he already is

Ross: Come on! Let's go see my Laura! (Runs out)

Ryland: Did he just say "My Laura"?

Rydel:(Smiles big) Awe!!! How cute!

Ross:(Runs back in) I'll run if you don't hurry up soon

Mark: We're coming Ross, jeez

Ross:(smiles big) I'm gonna run anyways, cya! (runs out)

Stormie: Oh that boy and his love

Riker: Come on, we better follow him in case he gets in trouble..... again

Rocky:(laughs) Remember when he just hugged a girl spinning her around when her boyfriend was just right there watching them with smoke coming out of his ears!

Ryland: Oh yeah! (laughs)

Stormie:(rolls her eyes) Let's just go before Ross gets a beat up from a girl's boyfriend again

everyone:(gets in the car and drives to the hospital)

A little while later

everyone:(walks in the hospital seeing Ross just sitting there tapping his foot)

Ross:(looks at them and runs up to to them) What took you guys so long? Come on and let's see Laura!

Rydel: You didn't go see her yet?

Ross:(shakes his head) They have to see mom and dad first

Stormie: Let's go Mark (takes his hand leading them to the front desk)

Ross:(tapping his foot impatiently) Ugh! What's taking so long!

Rocky: Dude! We just got here!

Ross: So? What's your point?

Rocky:(rolls his eyes) Never mind

Ross:(shrugs it off)

Rydel:(smiles) It's so cute seeing you care so much to see Laura, Ross

Ross:(smiles blushing a bit) Well you know me. I really like Laura, I love her with all my heart. I know I cheated on her but that was the most stupidest mistake of my life, I want to tell Laura that I'll always promise to love her no matter what

Riker: Awe (smiles having his arms crossed)

Stormie & Mark:(Walks up to them)

Ross: Can we go in now? Well? Well? Well?

Stormie:(laughs) Calm down Ross

Ross:(takes deep breathes) Okay. I'm good

Mark:(Smiles) Go ahead Ross

Ross:(Smiles big and runs to Laura's room) (mumbles to himself) I'm coming Laura (runs in her room and sees no Laura) (sad) L-Laura? (hears nothing) (sighs) No no no.... (walks up to Laura's bed kneeling down resting his head on the bed) No no no. It's to late, she's gone

???: Ross?

Ross: Leave me alone Rydel

???: Rydel? What are you talking about Rossy Bossy?

Ross:(thinks: There's only one person who calls me that) (slowly looks up) Laura?

Laura:(smiles weakly) Hey

Ross:(runs up to her and hugs her tightly) Oh my god! Don't scare me like that again! Ever!

Laura:(hugs back) Okay (Smiles hugging him tightly as well)

Ross:(pulls away) Are you feeling okay? Is everything okay?

Laura:(giggles) I'm fine Ross. You're starting to sound like your mom

Ross: Oh crap (face palms himself)


Ross:(smiles looking at her) You don't know how much I missed you Laur

Laura:(smiles) You wouldn't believe how much I missed.... everything! All I've been seeing is black! Black! Black! I'm so sick of black! If I see black I will lose it

Rocky:(walks in) Hey guys, we're about to--

Laura:(Sees Rocky's black shirt) Ah!!!

Rocky: Ah!!!! (runs away)

Laura:(runs after him) Get back here Rocky!

Ross:(chuckles) That's my girl.... well eventually my girl.... well eventually again (runs after them)

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