Chapter 78

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A little while later

Rydel:(walks down) Laura!

Laura:(has a spoonful of cereal in her mouth) Mha?

Rydel:(rolls her eyes) Finish that food first

Laura:(swallows her food in one gulp) Okay what?

Rydel: You wanna go shopping today? You know, go have a girls day or something?

Laura:(Smiles) Sure, just let me get ready for this day (chugs her bowl of cereal and goes upstairs to get ready)

Rydel: Oh Laur, this is what happens when you hang with the guys to much (Grabs her bowl of ceral and eats)

Out in the backyard

Ross: Ugh! I am totally gonna give up on this! It's to confusing

Ryland: Go figure it out riddle solver! (looks at Rocky)

Rocky: Okay I lied! So sue me!

Riker: Guys just clam down and we'll figure this out eventually

ross: That's what you siad yesterday

Riker: Well I know we'll get it today so let's just get this done with and do all the other task after

Ross:(takes a deep breathe trying to calm herself) Okay. Let's do this

the guys:(get together and try to work it out)

A little while later

Laura:(walks down looking all cali girl like ready for her and Rydel's girls day) Okay Rydel, I'm ready

Rydel: Wow girl, you look so Cali!

Laura:(smiles) Thanks

Rydel: Anyways we got to get some money

Laura: Why can't we use our own money?

Rydel: Are you crazy? God no

Laura:(giggles) Okay, so where do we get our money? Your parents aren't here

Rydel: I know so let's go see what my brother's have to offer (walks off)

Laura:(rolls her eyes) Oh Rydel!

Rydel: Come on!

Laura: Okay okay! Jeez (rushes to outside where the guys and Rydel is)

Rydel: Guys!

the guys:(looks at her)

Rydel: CAn you guys stop working on the riddle and help us out

Ryland: With what?

Rydel: We need cash for our girls day

Riker:(Sighs taking his whole wallet out) How much? flips through his money)

Rydel:(Thinks) Maybe.... $50.... $70.... all of it

Riker: What?!

Rydel: Come on please Riker! For your little sister... (pouts) For your best friend

Riker:(rolls his eyes) The best friend reminder, clever

Rydel:(smiles) Thanks

Riker:(gives her his whole wallet) Here

Rydel:(takes it smiling big) Thank you Riker! Love you!

Riker: Yeah yeah

Rydel:(looks at Laura and nudges her)

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