Chapter 46

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Stormie & Rydel:(walks back up to the guys)

Stormie:(hands Ross a sandwich in a to go box) Here honey, eat this

Ross: Thanks mom (eats it)

Rydel: Any word of Laura yet?

the guys:(shakes their heads)

Stormie: What were you guys talking about while we were gone?

Riker: Just a way to get Ross & Laura back together


Rydel: Really? That's a first

Rocky: What is?

Rydel: You guys planning something about a relationship without me. Usually it's me who starts these

Ryland: She is right though guys

Stormie:(smiles) Well I think that's really sweet

Ryland: But for that to happen we need to make sure Laura's alright and to have the whole family work on this all together

Rydel: Of course

Stormie: For sure

Ross: Looks like that's it

Ratliff: We're gonna get Laura back as yours Ross. Soon enough


doctor:(walks out)

Stormie:(walks up to him) How is Laura doctor?

doctor: Well she is sick as you can see

Mark: Why didn't she move when she was vomiting?

doctor: She was probably in shock from something that happened in her past and just couldn't move

everyone:(looks at Ross)

Ross:(ignores their stares) Can we see her?

doctor: Now's not a good time. When she woke up she started yelling and screaming, we had to put her to sleep

Ross:(sighs and sits down)

Rydel: When can we see her?

doctor: Give us 3 days then you can see her

Ratliff: Why so long?

doctor: She just needs to calm down and we're keeping her over night for observation to figure out what's behind this all

Ross:(looks at the doctor) If it helps her come home quicker, her and I broke up really bad and that's why she's all like that

doctor:(nods) So a heart break


doctor: Thank you young man, this will make our observations quicken. I suggest that you all go home and rest

Stormie: Thank you and please keep us updated about Laura, please

doctor:(nods) Of course (walks back in Laura's room)

everyone:(walks out of the hospital and out in the parking lot)

Stormie: You want someone to drive with you sweetie?

Ross:(shakes his head) I'm good, I'll be home in a little while

Riker: Why so long?

Ross: I just want some time to myself

Mark: You alright buddy?

Ross: I think so, I just want to be alone

Stormie:(kisses his cheek) You drive safe

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