Chapter 52

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Rydel:(runs downstairs)

S/M/R/R/R/R: Bye Ross! (waves)

Rydel: Mom! Dad!

Stormie & Mark:(looks at her) What is it?

Rydel: I tried to talk to Laura and all and she took it all wrong

Mark: What do you mean?

Rydel: She thinks I told her to move on

everyone: What?!

Rydel: I tried to tell her it's not what I meant but she's ignoring me and taking that advice. She's sticking to it

Riker: Then our whole plan is ruined

Ratliff: We have to do something

Rydel: There's no other way guys. Ross has moved on and Laura's gonna start

Stormie: I guess that's it then

Rydel:(sighs) And I thought Raura was gonna happen again

Rocky: I guess that's it

Ryland: And after everything they've been through

A few hours later

With Ross

Ross:(unpacking everything looking around his house) (takes it all in) This is the starting of a new life

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Ross:(opens the door) (smiles) Hey

???:(smiles) Hey

Ross:(kisses her cheek) I'm really glad to see you

???: Me too

Ross: Why don't you come in Ally

Ally: I'd love too (walks in looking around) Nice place

Ross: Thanks

Ally: A little big for one person I see

Ross:(shrugs) Yeah but I'm planning on settling down (winks)

Ally:(blushes) Slow your horses mister, we just started going out

Ross: Yeah but you never know


Ross:(wraps his arm around her kissing her cheek) I'm hoping you'd move in with me

Ally: Really?

Ross:(nods) No offence but your place is a dump

Ally: It's what I get for being cheap


Ally: Don't you think this is all sudden Ross? I mean we just started--

Ross: I don't care, I just want to be with you. So Ms Ally Rose (holds her hands) will you move in with me?

Ally:(Smiles) I'd love to Ross

Ross:(smiles and kisses her)

Ally:(kisses back)

Ross & Ally:(kiss for 5 minutes then slowly pulls away pressing their heads against the others smiling)

Ally: We should start unpacking OUR house instead of this

Ross: But I like this better

Ally:(giggles blushing a bit) I do too but let's unpack

Ross:(groans) Fine

Ally & Ross:(start unpacking)

With Laura & Rydel

Laura & Rydel:(at the mall)

Laura:(looks around)

Rydel: Laura, I still thin--

Laura: Ooh! What do you think about him?

Rydel:(looks) The one with a girlfriend?

Laura: What? (looks) Oh... (sad)

Rydel: Laura why don't you just stop this, we've been doing this for hours

Larua: No Rydel, I'm gonna move on

Rydel: But... what about you and Ross?

Laura: Didn't you hear Ross? Him and I are never gonna get back together, ever and besides he's moved on

Rydel: Doesn't mean you have to

Laura: What, so you just want me to wait for him?

Rydel: Yes!

Laura:(rolls her eyes) Be realistic Rydel (walks up looking around for guys)

Rydel: I am being realistic Laura, you and Ross are meant to be

Laura:(sighs shaking her head) No, we're not

Rydel: But--

Laura: Ooh! There's one! (smiles big)


Laura: Omg! He's coming this way

Rydel: Yay....

RG:(random guy) (walks up to them) Hey (smiles cutely)

Laura:(Smiles) Hey, I'm Laura and this is my friend Rydel

RG: I'm Jace


Jace: Do you want to hang out?

Laura:(looks at Rydel pleadingly)

Rydel:(sighs and nods) I got to go anyways, you two have fun (walks away sad)

Laura:(smiles looking at him)

Jace: Shall we?

Laura:(smiles nodding)

Jace:(takes her hand and walks with her)

Laura:(blushes feeling butterflies) (thinks: I'm finally moving on)

A few hours later *at Lynch house*

everyone:(doing their own thing)

Laura:(walks in smiling big) Hey guys

Riker: Where have you been?

Laura: Oh you know, just hanging out with the most awesomest guy ever!

Rydel:(fake smiles) I see you and that Jace guy really hit it off

Laura:(Smiles nodding) He's totally into things like I am! He loves drawing, music, pla--

Rocky: We don't need to know everything Laura

Laura: Whatever, we even have a date this Saturday

Stormie:(Smiles) That's great honey

Laura:(smiles) I know right (goes upstairs to her room)

Rydel: Mom this isn't great, it should be Ross & Laura. Not Laura and some other guy and same for Ross!

Stormie: I know honey but it doesn't matter. She's moved on and so has Ross, they're happy and the least we can do is be happy for them

Ratliff: We all don't like it Rydel

Ryland: But we have no choice

Rydel:(sighs slumping down in her seat) I just want things to be the way it was

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