"Hey, babe?"


"Why are you so aggressive sometimes?"

"I don't know...I guess it's kinda just my personality. I've been told I'm a really intense person and when I express it, it comes out as aggressiveness..."

"Oh ok. Well, you should try to be nicer. Although the way you do things work, doesn't mean they're always right."


"Are you even listening to me?"

"Yea, but I'm also listening the the loud roaring in my stomach from my extreme starvation."

"Jennifer... we're literally on our way to get breakfast."

"I know, but that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna keep complaining until my food box gets fed..."

"Do you want some crackers? I have those cheeks and pee nut butter ones." Shae says with a small chuckle.

"Shae, did you just say 'cheeks and pee nut butter'? Sophia gasps.

"Yes, my Love, cheeks and pee nut butter."

"Shae, I WAS ONE TIME!!" She says defensively.

"Sophia, when it comes to you saying anything that sounds wrong, you know I'm gonna remember it..."

"Dude, my mouth was my full..."

"Oh I know..."

"WTF GUYS!" Kyra is first to reply, followed by Cora, James, and I.


"Can y'all not talk about this right now?"

"Y'all are fucking disgusting. Next time keep it to yourself..."

"I mean, I kinda wanna know how that cake up in that situation." Alex pitches in.

"Yea, like, where did that come from?" Cayden follows.

"Ok, so, while everything was going on, Sophia started complaining that she was hungry. And then during that moment her mouth was full, she thought of those peanut butter and cheese crackers and said she wanted some. But since her mouth was full, it didn't come out right..."

"Omg, I freaking hate you so much right now Sherman..."

"DUDE, YOUR FULL NAME IS SHERMAN?!" Caden screams in disbelief before everyone else adds.




"Wait, everyone stfu." I say loud enough before continuing. "What are you hiding? You know I hate lying..."

"Nothing other than my extreme feelings for Sophia."

There's a loud gasp from the back seat where she was sitting.

I can't tell if it was Alex or Sophia...

"Are you serious?" Sophia asks with a straight face.

We now pulled up to a fancy looking place and parked.

Shae connected eyes with her, continuing by saying "More than anything."

Everything happened so fast but before I know it, Sophia is over her seat and in Shae's lap, hitting James with her foot in the process.

"Ow, Sophia, why do you have heels on?"

"Shhhh." Cayden says, making James stop talking.

"Sophia, I have been waiting to ask you to be my girlfriend since the moment I met you. Since you didn't 'do' relationships, I settled for friends with benefits just so I could be close to you. It's been 5 months and since then, you've been one of the best and most consistent things in my life. I would love to call you mine, it that ok?"

There was a slight pause.

"I- I would love to, Shae, but you know that I only date for marriage."

His expression turned to confusion.

"What, do you not see yourself marrying me one day?"

"No, it's not that. It's just I know you have a history of playing around and I really don't wanna be one of those girls. I really don't wanna have my heart broken again..."

"Why would I ever hurt you? The last asshole that broke your heart, if you don't remember, after you told me, he ended up in the hospital."

"I'm just scared..."

"I am too but I have enough damn courage to ask you to be mine, considering that I'm gonna marry you one day."

"You are?!" She replied with a giddy expression.

"Of course, why the hell else would it have taken me 5 months to ask you out other than you not doing relationships."

He paused before continuing.

"If you forgot, I didn't 'do' relationships because my first love embarrassed me in front of the whole cafeteria after I told her I liked her and after a few months, came back and dated me. Then proceeded to play with my feelings, saying it was only a dare to date me for a year."

Everybody cringed, remembering how broken he was after that incident.

"Well then yes, as long as you don't break me worse than my ex did."

"I would die before I even considered that. So can you be my future wife?"

"Can you be my future husband?"


"Then, yes."

They ended the convo starting with a kiss that soon turned into more.

"OK GUYS! Before you end up conceiving your first child together, can we go get some damn food please?"

Everyone laughs, getting out the van and entering one of my favorite places on earth.

I let out a small squeal.

Partly from the fact that Shae and Sophia and finally together and the other part is from the fact that I'm FINALLY gonna eat.

Before we can even get seated, Shae and Sophia are once again all over each other.

Just this time, they're also in between the glass doors that separate the outside from the inside.

Oh boy, what have we done...

Hey guys,

My normal picture isn't working so... please enjoy and don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me!!!

Until Later,
My Lovely Little Potatoes 🥔❤️

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