Where Have You Been?

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As I'm flipping through channels on my TV in my bedroom, a delicious scent passes through the air. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath. It smells like someone is making waffles, eggs and a side of bacon. Wait a second. That is my favorite meal. Ever. That can only mean one thing.

My eyes snap open and I quickly flick the TV off and toss the remote onto my bed. I run out of my room and stop as soon as I get to my little kitchen. To my surprise, I see my mom cooking. Wow, she hasn't done that since her and my father broke it off. I wonder what has her in such a good mood?

I slowly make my way over to the counter in the kitchen and sit down on a stool. I watch my mom as she pours batter into the waffle iron. I eye her curiously. This is such unusual behavior for her.

"Could you stop looking at me like that Lucia." My mom says as she closes the iron and turns around to look at me.

"Well, I'm just curious as to why my lovely mother has decided to cook on such a beautiful day." I say as I prop my arm up onto the table and lean my chin on my hand.

She rolls her eyes, "What? I can't make my daughters's favorite meal without being interrogated?"

"Not when you haven't cooked for over four years." I state.

She smiles and turns back around to remove the waffle and put it on a plate, "I just felt the need to cook. I have been lazing around this suite for far too long. I think it is time I start to do something with myself. You know, I think I may talk to Trinity and see if she needs any help around the pack."

My jaw drops open. "You're going to talk to that witch?" I practically shout.

She laughs and places a plate in front of me that has a waffle, eggs and some bacon on it. She grabs a fork and gives that to me as well.

"That is no way to refer to the Beta's new wife." She states causing me to roll my eyes.

"Mom you are supposed to hate that bitch." I say and scoop some eggs into my mouth.

"Language, Lucia! Start speaking like a lady or you will never find a mate." She scolds me. I grunt and scoop up some more eggs. "Anyway," she flips her long strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder, "I don't hate Trinity. It is in no way her fault that her and Emanuel are true mates. No one can control that. It's also not their fault that true mates are the only thing that have the power to break a normal mating ritual."

"Ew, I don't want to hear anymore about 'mating rituals.' The whole thing just freaks me out." I say and stare down at my waffle. "Can you pass me a knife." I add quickly.

Mom reaches for the drawer, grabs a knife and hands it to me. I gladly take it and start to cut up my waffles.

"Lucia you are nineteen years old and I still feel like you have no idea what a mating ritual is. Why do you avoid the subject so much? It is something that every young werewolf must go through at some point." Mom says as she turns around to make herself a dish of food.

I grab a piece of waffle and toss it in my mouth. I mean I suppose mom is right. I don't actually know what goes on in a mating ritual. I kind of avoid the subject. I act like more of a boy anyway so I don't think I will ever find a mate who will want to be with me either way. So I figured, why not just avoid the subject all together?

Mom turns around and walks over to me. She places her food on the counter next to mine and takes a seat in the stool to my left. She folds a napkin over her lap and looks at me.

"I'm going to take your silence as you want to know what happens in a mating ritual." She says as she gingerly takes a small piece of egg and chews it.

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