Bank Robbery

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"Put your hands up!" Raymond shouts as he raises his midnight black handgun at the banker's head.

She lets out a shrill scream. I almost flinch from its high frequency. Shaken and frightened, the woman tries to duck under the counter. I shake my head in disappointment. The damn woman should have just listened to Raymond's instructions. Oh well.

"I said put your fucking hands up, not jump under the god damn table you stupid bitch!" He shouts.

Raymond hops on top of the counter. His eyes blazing with annoyance and fury. His leg bucks back and is suddenly slammed forward, giving the glass one good kick. A large crack rides up the glass as I hear it begin to break. Raymond gives it another hard kick. The glass completely shatters into tiny little pieces. They fly across the room landing all over the floor. Ignoring the remaining shards of glass sticking out, he hops over the counter. Once his feet graze the floor he reaches down, grabbing the helpless banker from under the counter.

"See what you made me do?" He shouts at her.

She screams in terror at his close proximity. Her fear rolling off of her in waves, she is practically smelling up the room with her frightened state. Humans. They get scared so easily.

Suddenly I see a slight movement to my left. I reach my right hand down to my halter and grab my gun. I whip it out and point it directly at the man who stood up.

"Move again and I will shoot." My voice low and completely serious as I walk towards the man.

He throws his hands in the air and inches back toward the wall again.

"Please, just let her go, she is innocent." The man begs.

I let out an annoyed growl, "We wouldn't hurt her if she just gave us what we wanted. Now shut up and get down." I shout and motion my gun toward the ground.

The man slowly nods his head and starts to sit again. I quickly glance up at the clock. Shit.

"Hurry it up over there." I shout toward Raymond. We've been here longer than expected. The cops could be on their way.

"Roger that."

In the next minute everything goes according to plan. I see the banker walk to the safe and stuff our bag full of money. As she approaches Raymond, he swipes the bag from her with his free hand and then swings his gun at her face, hitting her with a loud thud. She falls to the ground, silent. I sigh and shake my head. That so wasn't necessary.

Raymond hops over the counter and approaches me.

"You ready?" he asks.

"Of course." I place my gun back into my halter and follow him out the bank door.

We approach a large gray van, one with no windows in the back. Raymond whips the side door open and hops in. I quickly follow suit and slam the door shut behind me. I feel the van pull out of the parking lot and back onto the road. I sigh in relief and lean my head back onto the wall of the van.

"Good job out there guys, you handled it very well. The timing was impeccable." Derek says as he closes his laptop in front of him.

I smirk and peel my ski mask off my head. "We couldn't have done it without you, brainiac." I say proudly as I lean over and ruffle his short red hair.

He smiles and swats my hand away. "I didn't have to do much this time. Luckily no one even called the cops and no alarms were triggered. The only thing I had to do was replace the video feed with video of about a month ago. Besides that, everything went perfectly."

"Don't go too easy on them over there Derek," Ruben says from the driver seat. "you guys made sure no one saw your faces, right?" he asks concerned.

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