Getting Comfortable

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Sienna let me drop my pile of clothes off in Greyson's room before she whisked me away deeper into the pack house. This place has a much brighter and cheerful ambiance than my pack. People are casually walking the halls, laughing, talking, and most certainly not fighting. I'm shocked by the peaceful atmosphere. There are so many girls in this pack just freely wandering around, and there's not a gypsy or maid outfit in sight. I'm dumbfounded.

Greyson was actually right. Things in this pack are so much different then the way I grew up. There doesn't seem to be an unbalanced power dynamic between males and females in this pack.

Sienna leads me to the kitchen, although she told me I could see Greyson, she's procrastinating some more by bribing me with food. My stomach is rumbling and I don't really want the baby to be affected by my need to see my mate. So here I am, eating some waffles in Greyson's old pack house kitchen with his Mom.

I dig my fork into the fluffy Belgian waffle that's glazed in a light layer of maple syrup. I plop the piece into my mouth and internally moan. Sienna is very good at cooking, well, at least she's really good at making waffles.

"So, Lucia, tell me a little more about yourself." Sienna says from next to me at the table.

I swallow my most recent bite and look up into her deep emerald eyes that are nearly identical to Greyson's, "What do you want to know?"

"Anything, really. What's your favorite meal? Color? What're your goals in life?"

I laugh, those started off so simple yet ended with a kind of serious question. "Well, my favorite meal is actually a breakfast meal. It's waffles, bacon, and eggs-"

"Oh good!" she clasps her hands together excitedly, "so you really do enjoy those waffles and aren't just acting for the sake of my emotions."

I snort a small laugh, "I'm not faking at all, you make really good waffles."

She places a relieved hand on her heart, "I'm glad. I'm sorry for the rude interruption, please continue Lucia."

"Of course-" Just then the door opens.

A couple of women hobble into the kitchen. One woman is younger, she has her hair up in a high pony and holds a little boy in her arms, he looks to be about a year old. Next to her are two other women with their hair down, both on the young side as well. They giggling happily as they saunter into the room and walk toward the large fridge. They notice that our table is occupied, they skim over me first but then look at Sienna. Their eyes widen in joy.

"Good morning Luna!" All three say happily at the same time.

My eyes widen in astonishment. Luna?! She's the Luna? The highest standing woman in this pack? Oh no...

I've been calling her Sienna this whole time! That's so disrespectful.

Hold up. Wait just one moment...

Greyson's mom is luna? That must mean his dad is the Alpha of this pack... Which means Greyson is an Alpha's son? Holy fucking good lord... Well, I guess this explains a lot, especially how he was able to withstand alpha tones. It also explains how he was able to take Damien on in fights.

"Good morning ladies. Shelly, how is little Max doing?" Sienna asks the woman with the little boy.

Shelly, the woman with the child, smiles and bounces the boy onto her side hip so he can face Sienna. "He's doing great, he's way less finicky since you've given us that diaper rash cream. I owe you for that."

Sienna swats her left hand through the air in a very dismissive type of way. "Nonsense. You don't owe me anything. Us mother's need to help each other out."

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