Everlasting Bond

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How could I have been so stupid?

I sniffle as I reach up with my arms and wipe my eyes with the sides of my hands. As soon as my cheeks are clear of the last tears, others quickly fall in their places.

I cried for what felt like hours until I felt the need to stretch my legs and travel elsewhere. I picked myself up off the dirt on the forest floor, then I started walking.

I kept walking, to clear my head, but I couldn't think of anything but Greyson. Eventually, the tree density lightened in the forest as I came across a small stream.

Now here I am.

As if out of pure instinct I automatically kneel down beside the clear running water. I cup my hands, dipping them into the fresh water and use it to slowly and tediously clean off the wound on my leg and the wounds on my neck. It takes me a while to rinse out all of the dirt and pebbles out of my open wounds. Finally I manage to clear them and sanitize them to my best ability. Once I've completed this task, I sigh in relief and cup my hands together placing them into the water once again, filling them up. I lift my hands and bring them to my dry lips and take a long sip. The cool liquid drips down my dry throat, quenching my thirst.

I take a few more refreshing sips before I scoot myself backwards. I find a nice patch of grassy turf and place myself on it. My body lays flat on the ground and I curl myself up into a ball. I sigh as an icy shiver spreads through my entire body.

Without my wolf, my blood runs a little cooler. Dang, how do humans live like this? Are they always chilly in nature?

My mind wanders off to Greyson again.

I wonder if he is back at the pack house by now? It has been at least an hour since we've been separated. If he isn't home yet, he will be soon. After all, he has no need to bring me back since I'm 'not his problem anymore.' The words still sting like a fresh wound.

The sky is a light pink blend. With the sun beginning to set it brings with it a cooler breeze that floats in all around me. I shiver and hold my legs closer to my body trying to warm myself.

There's no point in traveling tonight while it's chilly. I might as well rest up, hope my wounds heal a bit more and start my trek in the morning. Walking will take me an extra couple of hours to get back and it certainly isn't safe to be wandering around these woods at night. There are still random Hunter traps set up here and there. If I got caught in one it wouldn't normally be a huge problem, but now that I'm human I wouldn't be able to heal or bounce back as quickly.

I close my eyes and listen to the sounds of insects buzzing and crickets beginning their chirping. I can hear the relaxing tone of the breeze as it sends uncomfortable frigid chills down my spine. My breathing gradually bounces into a rhythm, and soon I'm fast asleep.


Laughter. That's what I hear.

The sound of children giggling and playing filters into my ears.

Next comes the visual.

The scene takes place in the outdoors. A back yard, a large one at that. Even bigger than the one behind the pack house. Little children, around five or six years of age, scatter and run about. They giggle, scream, and yell at one another as their game of tag grows intense.

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