The Freak-Out

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"Hi, um it's super nice to meet you, I, uh, my name is Rina..." My black-haired best friend announces nervously, sticking her hand out to Emily as an offering.

"So you're Rina, huh?" Emily eyes her up and down. I can see the nervousness boiling in Rina's body. She clearly wants to make a good impression with Leo's sister. After a long, drawn-out moment, Emily smiles, "hand shakes are too formal, bring it in!"

Emily flings her arms out and wraps Rina in a large embrace. Leo laughs loudly, and Rina's shocked face makes me giggle as well. She doesn't even reciprocate the hug, due to being paralyzed from shock.

It's just the four of us. Sienna was glad to see that Emily and I were getting along so well after the appointment. She's happy I'm doing well and wanted to give me some time alone with my new friend. I haven't told Sienna about me having twins yet, mostly because that's something Greyson should hear first. After we left the office Sienna ushered Emily and me off while she went to go find her husband. So, now we're gathered in the kitchen, Leo and Rina are planning on making a small lunch for all four of us. No one else is in here with us, which is kind of refreshing. Now I don't have people staring at me, which is always a plus.

Rina and Emily unlatch from their awkward hug. Emily is brimming with excitement and Rina's still nervous.

"I've been dying to meet you," Emily admits to Rina honestly. A small blush crosses her cheeks, and for the first time, I think she's embarrassed. "I've been wanting to see the girl who could finally love my brother."

"Hey!" Leo complains loudly, clearly not expecting to be verbally backhanded by his sister. Emily and I laugh.

Rina ignores the comment against Leo by adding, "same here! Leo has told me so much about you. I've been wanting to meet you for so long. I'm glad it's finally able to happen."

"Me too," Emily seems really excited. She must really care about Leo's happiness, it's nice to see. Family is clearly very important to them.

"So," Leo intercedes, "how do you two know each other?"

He motions between Emily and me. We look at each other and instantaneously start giggling.

"Okay," Leo admits, "it's a little creepy to see this. Are you hiding something?'

Rina cocks her head to the side, "they laugh the same." She comments quietly to herself.

Emily shrugs it off, "it's pretty cool. We have so many similarities, but to answer your question Leo, we met at the rogue pack, during the invasion."

"Really?" He asks her.

I nod my head answering his question, "yeah, she tried to eat me."

"Did not!" She quickly defends herself. Her fast reaction makes her look guilty so we all start laughing.

A moment later the kitchen door opens. I hear a few footsteps, but am too enthralled in our laughter to look up. Instead, the first thing I get is the sound of their voices.

"What's all the laughing about?" A deep and strangely familiar voice asks.

"What's going on in here?" this one is feminine and I recognize the angelic tone as Faith's voice

All our laughter slows. Leo turns around. "Hey Mom, hey Dad, were just introducing Rina and Emily."

I wipe the tears in my eyes, from laughing so hard. I glance up at the large man who entered the room. So that's the Beta, huh? I mean I saw him from a far yesterday and was briefly introduced to him, but I was so caught up in the excitement of everything I didn't think about the fact that he is Leo's father. And Emily's father too, I suppose.

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