Listen to My Wolf or My Head?

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By the time the boys are finishing up with their game, the tables have somehow turned. Raymond left to go meet up with Ruben and Rina ended up taking his place in the game. She is actually pretty good at these things, which I'm assuming is actually an attractive quality to Leo, maybe even a turn on. He loves video games so much, so the fact that the girl he is crushing on is good at them and seems to enjoy them must be a good thing.

I yawn and unconsciously find myself leaning my head against Greyson's shoulder. Since no one's looking, why not right? I'm not even sure if Greyson noticed. Today was such a long day. Even though I didn't do much besides having people yank on my hair, wax my legs and practically every other part of my body, and then cut the dead ends off my hair, it was very tiring. I don't know how those girls can keep up with this routinely. It's worse than our training for the Rogue Squad. Well. In my opinion at least. Rina really seemed to like it.

I watch the players on the screen whip around, shooting the puck here and there. The score is tied and they are at sudden death. The next goal wins. I watch as the red player takes a shot. He misses and the green player gets possession. He passes it to his partner, the blue player who quickly shoots.

"Score!" Leo exclaims.

I pop my head up. Yes! It's finally over.

"Good game..." Rina sighs and places the controller on the bed.

Greyson laughs, "Don't be sad, you guys will win next game."

Derek cuts in from the side lines, "damn. We were so close too. I can't believe you guys won."

"Well congrats Greyson and Leo for your glorious win. That was the longest game ever." I complain.

Greyson laughs and looks down at me. "It was only ten minutes."

I sigh, "Yeah but you guys have played like twelve ten minute games."

"Let's play another." Derek says excitedly. "Rematch, winner takes all."

I roll my eyes, "Well you guys can do whatever you want. I'm going to sleep."

I slide off the bed and stand on the ground. I look over at Rina. She looks content.

She smiles at me. "I'm going to stay for another round."

"Sounds good." I answer. I turn to walk toward the door.

I walk out of Derek's room and close the door behind me. I very slowly make my way down the hallway. I'm glad I got to spend time with everyone. I'm also glad that I haven't seen Damien all day. I still need to figure out what the hell he is planning. He wants to be mates with me. What the hell is wrong with his head? Is this all because of that one time he kissed me? That can't be right. He has kissed so many girls. It makes no sense for him to want me.

I have absolutely no sex appeal. I act like a boy. My hair is always up. I'm not afraid to get sweaty or dirty. I don't act dainty. Honestly what does he see in me?

Suddenly a hand plops onto my head from behind and my wolf jumps in surprise. I'm about to go into defense mode and flip the person over my shoulder, but I feel small tingles. My wolf calms down immediately and I turn around to see none other than Greyson.

"Hey," he says then gives me a sexy smirk.

My face contorts to confusion. "I thought you were playing another round."

"I told them I was tired, but to be honest, I didn't really want to lose. I feel like I got beginners luck. I might as well start and go out with a bang, you know?"

I giggle at his honesty. "That was probably a smart move. When Derek loses he comes back hard with revenge. You would have gotten your ass handed to you."

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