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I sigh in relief and plop myself onto one of the island chairs in the small kitchen. Trinity sticks the fully made casserole dish into the preheated oven and puts on the timer. Milena yawns and waddles over to me. She extends her hands up, asking to sit on my lap. I scoop her up and place her where she wants to be. She yawns once more, and nuzzles into my chest as she closes her eyes. I giggle at her cuteness.

I look up to find Trinity looking at the two of us in a very dear type of way. "See, you're already getting the hang of mothering, Lucia, and you haven't even had the baby yet."

I fight the urge to roll my eyes at her. So instead I feign a small smile, "I have a feeling mothering won't be this easy."

Trinity laughs, "No, it certainly won't. But it is one of the most rewarding parts." She leans on the island across from me, to rest a bit. "It's going to be quite a life change for you though, considering how you were raised and all." She points out.

I raise an eyebrow. That almost sounded like a jab at how my Mom and the Beta raised me. Was that meant to be an insult? "Well, I mean they raised me as best they could in this pack. I feel far more grateful being able to protect myself than being raised to either clean other people's messes or seduce men." I point out.

She sighs, "I know. You grew up far better than a lot of girls in this pack, it just sucks that this is how you all had to grow up. It was so much different at my other pack, well before I was booted from it."

I tilt my head to the side curiously. Greyson was mentioning that his old pack was run very differently as well. Maybe I should pursue more of an interest on the topic.

"What was so different about your old pack compared to this one?" I ask.

Trinity sighs. "In my old pack, everyone was... well in a sense trustworthy. If I was feeling unwell, I always had someone there to take care of Palmer. We were one giant family. We lived in unison and everyone's lives were connected in one way or another. But here... here I find the only thing that's reliable is everyone's respect for Alpha Serg and your dad."

I inwardly groan at the fact that she called the Beta my 'dad'. He doesn't deserve that title. "The Beta and Alpha Serg keep the peace around here. Did your old pack not have an Alpha and Beta? How did you keep hierarchy and order?"

"My old pack certainly did have an Alpha and a Beta. They were respected by everyone in the pack but they also respected everyone else below them in return. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand that Alphas and Betas should be respected. The problem with this pack is that they are the ONLY things that are respected. Haven't you noticed that when you walk around, people are constantly fighting and taking things from one another? We have to always lock our doors at night. Do you even know the names of at least 30 of your pack mates?"

Her questions start racing in my head. Is any of that normal? Are we supposed to be trusting of everyone? Are we supposed to be one huge family that's only connection isn't just the Alpha's and Beta's authority?

"I... uh... I never really thought about it before... This just all seemed so normal to me."

She sighs, "I'm sorry, this is what happens when I reminisce. I shouldn't drag you into this." She looks down at Milena who's dead asleep in my arms, "I'm just glad she is the younger sibling. I really don't know what type of chaos would arise in this pack if a girl was set to be the next Alpha."

My eyes widen, "A girl can become an Alpha?"

She laughs, "it's rare but fully possible. It's happened in other packs before. But here, where women are so disrespected and objectified, that could never happen. Even respect for Luna's and Beta's mates only goes so far in this pack."

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