Slumber Party

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"So this is really happening?" I ask my entire squad as I sit comfortably on Rina's bed, my back resting against her pillows, "We're all going to sleep in Rina's room tonight?"

"Of course, there is no way we are going to leave you unguarded." Derek says, he came and found us right after his meeting with the Alpha and Damien. Surprisingly, it wasn't just a cover up, Derek was telling the truth; the Alpha did want Damien so they could talk about the mission tomorrow.

"Yeah, if we had known you still weren't able to shift, we never would have left you alone in the first place. We just figured since Rina could do it, you could too." Ruben points out. He's standing in front of Rina's tv. He's spreading out a blanket on the floor.

"I should never have let you go to work today. You should have stayed with me." Raymond cuts in, his voice filled with guilt. He's next to his brother, placing pillows on the ground, next to his already spread blanket.

"Raymond, don't you dare blame yourself for this. No one knew Damien was going to discover I can't shift. Plus I should be getting my wolf back soon. Rina got her's back a few days ago, I should be able to by tomorrow, and then I can take care of Damien myself."

Everyone is silent for a moment. Slowly but surely they all begin to comply with what I'm saying, agreeing that I should be gaining my wolf back soon.

And rest assured, when I do get my wolf back, Damien will be getting a piece of my mind. But I really do need to watch it when I'm around him, because if I push Damien to the extreme, he has a trump card. He can get Greyson kicked out from the pack. After all, he has threatened him before. And a rogue out there in the world is practically already a walking corpse unless they find sanctuary in an accepting pack. There are small rogue groups all over, and they don't take kindly to other rogues walking in on their self proclaimed territory. Plus, the hunters will all be on guard after the recent war that occurred between us and them at our pack house. Even though they lost many, they will be quickly building up members, probably recruiting.

I wiggle myself backward a bit, to get better support from the pillows for my back. My whole squad won't let me get off the bed, they are all so worried about me, but I'm fine now. My body is only a bit sore from earlier. My hands are a tad bit bruised from me pounding on Damien's back, and my side feels tender. I'm assuming when I was slammed up against the wall I got a bit injured then too.

Rina hands Derek some extra blankets from her closet, since he joined us most recently and didn't know the plan until he arrived, he didn't bring stuff on his own. He thanks her, taking the blankets from her and making his way over to an empty space on her floor. He unfolds the blanket and gently spreads it out. Rina turns on her heels and comes skipping over to the bed, joining me on the other side of it.

Greyson sets up camp on the floor nearest to me. He's practically right next to the bed. Leo is on the other side of the bed, nearest to Rina. Although no one knows Greyson and I are intimate and in love besides the two of us, people knew we were close before we got into that conflict about the whole me being mates with Damien thing, therefore it's okay that he's near me. People are catching on that we made up after he saved me during the last mission.

"So what's the low down on the mission?" I ask Derek as everyone continues to set up their sleeping areas.

Derek looks over at me, his red hair is long enough to fall messily over his forehead, he clearly hasn't gotten it cut in a while. "Well basically it's one of the normal robbery missions, we are headed to a casino this time-"

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