Training Day

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"Leo! It's time to get up!" I shout loudly as I knock furiously on his door. "Leo!"

"Ugh. Just give me five more minutes." I hear him moan through the door.

"Nope. Get your ass up now and meet me outside in fifteen. If you aren't there, I will personally come up here and kick your ass." I state plainly.

I hear him tense up and I laugh to myself. That should be enough to get him up. Turning on my heels, I walk towards Greyson's room. Hopefully he will be easy enough to wake up. I forgot to tell them that they have a training session today, so now I have to personally get them up.

Reaching up, I knock on his door loudly.

"Greyson, time to get up." I shout.

Unfortunately he doesn't answer. So I place my ear against the door. There are faint breaths coming from the room, signaling that Greyson is still asleep. Just wonderful.

I knock louder shouting, "Greyson if you don't get your ass up in two seconds, I'm coming in there and waking you."

I listen to the door again, and hear the continuous sound of his breathing. I don't know whether I should be impressed or pissed at how difficult it is to wake him. How does one get into such a deep sleep? Most rogues are light sleepers in case an enemy approaches mid slumber.

I sigh and turn the door knob. Surprisingly, it opens with ease.

Jesus, does this kid not worry about someone coming in at night? Him and Leo have no worries. It freaks me out a bit.

Most the people in this pack were thieves or hustlers at some point in their lives. And trust me, it isn't hard to go back to your old ways. Greyson should really lock this door if he has anything he values in here.

As I creep the door open, light filters into the room. Even though the sun is shinning brightly outside, it's pitch black due to the shades being closed. I march up to his balcony doors and pull open the shades, engulfing the room in light.

Turning toward the bed, I see Greyson sprawled across the whole thing, taking up the entire queen sized bed. I laugh and glance at his sleeping face. He looks... cute. Wow. Never thought I would see the day that I called a guy cute.

Well. Time to wake him up.

I bring my two pinky fingers up, placing each one into the sides of my mouth. Then I inhale deeply and exhale, releasing the loudest whistle I can muster. His body flings up in surprise.

Completely shaken, he looks around and sees me standing there. I smirk at him.

"Morning Grey."

His eyes dull from the surprise wake up as he realizes that it was me who woke him.

"Oh it's just you." He states and lets out a small yawn. "I'm going back to bed." He flops back down and closes his eyes.

"What! No!" I shout annoyed, springing myself toward the bed.

I grunt and shake him gently, his hair tossing around a bit with my disturbance.

"Get up! We have training today!" I add annoyed. Come on, I was so close.

He opens one eye lazily and says, "No. I'm sleeping. Come back tomorrow." His eye quickly closes again as he turns into his pillow.

I grunt, "Absolutely not! You need to get up now or we will be late." I start to shake him more furiously.

He frowns.

In the next second, I feel two hands grab my arms and pull me down and into the bed. I land with a grunt. My chest pounding rapidly as I look up into his sparkling and playful green eyes. I feel my heart skip a beat as I let out a quick surprised breath.

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