The Alpha Calls

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The mission was a complete success.

We infiltrated the hotel, both Rina and I fully disguised. We ordered a room and it was just that simple. We managed to sneak in. Raymond was right, their numbers were still low from the battle against our pack, so there wasn't much security. Rodger's room hadn't changed. We were going to kidnap him, but instead Rina brilliantly decided to go the logical route. She told him about the Hunter's plan. She offered him safety in our pack from the Hunter's. She was clever enough not to include guaranteeing him safety from our pack and our Alpha. 

Good thing for that, because currently he's being locked up in the lower dungeon. He's been there for about two month now.

In those two months, a lot has happened. 

We had a burial ceremony for my mother. Everyone in the squad attended, even Damien. Greyson still wouldn't look me in the eye. It hurts, but I can understand a bit where he is coming from. I would be hurt too if I were in his position. The whole burial ceremony was sad but heart warming at the same time. I was able to talk about all the fun things my mom and I used to do together. I reminisced the whole day with Rina, Leo, and Raymond. There was so much emotion: laughing, crying, happiness, depression. My body was exhausted; by the end of the whole thing my mind felt like it had a weight lifted off of it.

Since then, my squad has been waiting patiently for the Alpha to interrogate some form of information out of Rodger regarding Harvey and his whereabouts. Rodger's doing a good job being loyal to Harvey. He won't let up.

We've been training frequently. By we, I mean everyone besides Greyson and Damien. From what I heard, Greyson is still training, but on his own. Leo tells me he often goes out into the woods and just runs. I figured he would return to practice after a week or two, but he still hasn't come back. Damien, on the other hand, just doesn't show up. Who knows where he goes, and who cares.

By him not coming to practice, I continue to have the upper hand when it comes to which of us could dominate the other physically. Although he is literally stronger than me, I have far more skills and can handle myself against those who have more muscle mass. So in a sense, I'm thankful for his laziness. Otherwise, I would be in a tougher position than I am in now.

The pain I've been experiencing?

Well it hasn't seemed to ease up a bit. It's still the worst at night and periodic on some days. Luckily, it's become way less frequent. For the most part, my body has started to grow accustomed to the pain. I'm more able to control myself when it attacks. Needless to say, it still hurts like a mother fucker, but at least I can keep myself standing.

Currently our squad is training lock and key. I sit on the earthy floor on the training grounds. I work diligently, unlocking the box from its chains. Each lock only takes me ten or so seconds to undo. I've got a rhythm going. My butt is rather uncomfortable on the dirt and wood chip filled training grounds. 

I'm focusing in the metal lock in my hand when suddenly everything in my vision spins. I freeze for a moment as a wave of fatigue hits me, following the dizzy spell. I yawn unwillingly.

I try to ignore my tired and jumbled state and continue on with my box. My eyes lazily blink a few times. Then they close for a moment.

I hear, "done!"

My eyes snap open, and I turn my head to my left to see Ruben jumping around excitedly, he was the first to finish. My head turns forward once again. I look down at my hands and find a metal lock in them. I hadn't realized it, but through the rhythm of opening the locks, I dozed off.

"Holy shit, I even beat Lucia! This is the best day ever!" Ruben shouts.

Raymond frowns at his dumb brother. Then he turns to me, worry in his eyes. I give him a small smile, hopefully to get him to stop worrying. Ever since that time I passed out from the pain and he carried me to Derek's room, he has been a complete and utter worry wort. I must say, it's flattering but annoying. I can take care of myself. I turn to Ruben.

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