The Hellion Pack

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"It's kinda awkward that Luna Sienna thinks that you're carrying Greyson's child..." Rina whispers very quietly to me as we walk down the hall behind Sienna and Faith who are wrapped up in a deep conversation.

"Why is that awkward? It's the truth." I whisper back.

Rina's jaw drops, "Um... What?"

"Damien and I never had... you know... we never did the deed..."

"Then why the hell did you tell the whole squad you were pregnant with Damien's child?" She whisper screams at me.

"I had to, it was either keep the secret and guarantee the baby's safety, or secretly tell people, risking the secret getting let out. I just couldn't put the baby's or Greyson's life at risk like that." I quickly respond.

Rina sighs. It's an unhappy sigh. She's clearly not thrilled with me right now. I can't blame her. She is my best friend and I kept this from her for a while. To be fair, I did tell her at one point I never would have sex with Damien, and she should've believed that. But I guess there was that long span of time where I didn't have my wolf...

"I'm a little pissed." she sucks in a deep breath and lets it out, "but I'm really happy for you. I wasn't sure how to feel before, you know, when I thought it was the devil's baby, but now that I know, I truly am happy for you. This is exciting."

A small smile spreads across my face as I place my hands on my belly. "It is exciting. I'm really glad that you and I planned to run away, Rina. Thank you for coming with me."

She laces her arm through mine and leans her head on my shoulder. "Of course. I'd do anything for you and Leo. I truly love you guys. I'm also really glad we were prepared, speaking of, I have your to go bag in Leo's room. Don't forget to grab that."

"I won't, thank you."

Sienna and Faith finally make it to a door in the hallway. Faith pushes open the door and stands to the side, allowing Sienna to walk through. A breeze of fresh air and a burst of sunlight filters into the hallway, blowing my hair a bit. The smell of the outdoors is refreshing and relaxing. What quickly follows that relaxation is a burst of sound. Chattering and laughting rings through the air.

Rina and I thank Faith as we walk through the doorway. The sun is shining and bright. I have to squint my eyes a bit as we walk out into the large back yard.

As we do, my stomach sinks a bit.

There's something faintly familiar about this place. I'm not sure what it is, but something about this yard feels nostalgic. I mean, I guess it has a similar feel to my pack house's backyard?

"Leo!" Rina shouts enthusiastically from next to me and immediately sprints away from me.

I follow her with my eyes as she collides into an elated Leo. His eyes are glowing as he wraps his arms around Rina. They're so cute together. Happiness shakes my heart for them. I want nothing but joy and good things for those two. They're family in my eyes.

Then my heart thumps excitedly in realization.

If Leo is here, that must mean-

"Lucia," a deep and happy voice floats into my ears. I turn to my right to find a smiling Greyson approaching and fast.

"Greyson," I smile happily. I ignore the masses of people watching us as I jolt forward and wrap my arms around my handsome mate. I nuzzle my head into his warm chest as he wraps me in a bear hug. "I missed you so much." I mumble into his shirt. His scents floats around me, filling me with happiness and comfort. I could stay here forever.

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