Chapter 1

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There are two kingdoms next to each other, so close that not many people know where the bounders are but that's alright, the king and queen of each kingdom are very good friends. They know were the bounders are and that's really all that matters.

One kingdom was called Minetopa and the other was Maple Isle. The names are weird yes, but no one cared. Minetopa was ruled by the Haywood family, and the king had most of the power. Maple Isle was ruled by (Y/L/N) family, the queen had most of the power there.

One day, the princess of Maple Isle was kidnapped. She was only a few months old. The prince of Minetopa was only a few months older, he and his parents moved out of the castle in hopes of protecting him better and for schooling reasons.


You are five years old at the park with your 'mom and dad'. They didn't really care what you did at the park as longer as your didn't hurt your self so you were able to wonder off on your own. You met a boy named Sam, who is also five. He is with hes parents. You and Sam soon became the best of friends being able to hang out every day. At the park you always saw people kissing and holding hands, not knowing what that meant or really was you guys did that as well.


First day of first grade. You and Sam are in the same class. Along with a boy named Geoff, and anther one named Ryan. You and Sam walked up to Geoff, and Ryan at lunch at sat with him.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N)! This is my boyfriend Sam! Whats your names?"

"Geoff, Geoff Ramsay."

"James, James Haywood. Although i would you rather you call me Ryan, its my middle name and i like a lot better than my first name."

"Would you like to come to the park with us after school? Sam's parents are taking us."

"That sounds fun! Sure!" Geoff said.

"Yea!" Ryan said.

You, Geoff, and Ryan became the best of friends. Geoff and Ryan wasn't very fond of Sam but they didn't completely hate him.


First day of second grade, there is two new kids, named Ray and Michael. You, Geoff, Ryan and Sam talked to them during lunch and play time.

"So, you guys are dating and we are only 7!" Michael said.

"We met at the park when we are 5, and we also saw people kissing and holding hands so we did to not really know what it meant. In first grade we figured out what all that was and he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course i said yes." You said kissing Sams cheek.

"I'm glad she said yes, it would be weird not being able to kiss her." Sam said. "Plus i really do like her."

"Hey (Y/N) whats your last name you never told us." ray said asking a random question.

"My last name? I don't have one. Mama and papa never told me what it was."

"Well whats there last name, wouldn't it be the same?" Micheal asked.

"I don't know, to be honest. I don't know if they are even my real parents. They both have blonde hair and blue eyes. I have brown hair and brown eyes.."

"Hey guys want to come over after school?" Geoff said running up to you guys. He got a time out for fighting with some other kid.

"Yea!" You, Ray, Micheal, Ryan said.

"Cant I'm going to my grandmas after school."

After that you and the guys being really close, mostly hanging out with them, Sam would hang out with guys as well but the none of the guys were fond of him.

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