Chapter 15 - Goodnight

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The next morning Cree doesn't even look at me. Well maybe he does, but I don't know because I'm not looking at him either. Avex is helping me pack, even though there isn't much belonging to me besides what I brought here and some new clothes, and it's clear as day that he can tell something is going on. But Avex is currently showing to have at least a bit of common sense in not asking why the tension between Cree and I is so thick.

"Hey, Trula, come over here for a minute."

Or maybe not.

I walk into the hall where he leans against the wall trying to look casual when in actual fact he just looks suspicious and awkward.

"So..." He draws out, he flicks his bleached hair out of his eyes. Kind of like he was trying to look attractive and sophisticated. It didn't work. "What's with you and Cree?"

"Your mum."

"Tua mater."


"That's how you say it in Latin. Your mum is tua mater." He smiles at me like he's just told me some top secret information.

"Okay. Good for you."

"No. Good for you. Latin is a useful language around here, learning that just brought you one step closer to mastering it."

"Like you?"

"Exactly like me." He grins at me pridefully and takes his time to 'fix' his hair - basically he moved it around a bit and then put it back into the same position as before.

"Okay, Mr I-know-everything, what did you want?" I sigh, matching his pose against the wall.

"I was asking why you were avoiding any interaction with Cree and why he has been staring after you like a lost puppy for the last hour." He raises an eyebrow before studying his nails 'casually.'

"Just stuff."

"What stuff?"

"Him being a dick head stuff." I bite.

"If this is about him forgetting to tell you that you're moving today, then you should put some of the blame on me since I'm supposed to look after you as well."

"That not just it. It's just that I haven't really learnt anything about this place or in this place except for using my abilities and that I should never leave the community without permission."

"Is that all?" He looks at me skeptically, his gold-red eyes focused on me.


"Okay. But try not to let this ruin your friendship, it's hard making friends around here, just ask me."

"It's fine, really."

"Good." He gestures for me to follow him, "We need to get packed in an hour so we can move you in."


"Here we are." Avex says as Cree stops the car outside a bunch of well maintained apartments. They appeared to be quite big and luxurious; too luxurious for me to afford. Even if I had a job I wouldn't be able to afford this.

"I won't be able to afford rent for this place." I widen my eyes at Avex dramatically as if to say are-you-serious?

"All housing is free here." Avex provides.

"What? Why?"

"Well it's a way of keeping order. It stops people from being homeless and makes sure that everyone has enough space, such as single people being given one bedroom apartments, families are given houses."

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