Chapter 10 - Trula

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Avex and Cree grab the cases and tents - moving Avex's to another car which I assume to be his - and bring them into the house. All the lights are shut off when we enter, but Cree quickly finds the light switch allowing me to view his home. The light reveals a medium sized living room with a main theme of cream and chocolate colours giving the room a feeling of warmth. There are three doors in the room; two straight ahead at the other end of the room, and one to my right.

"You can unpack in the morning, but for now I suggest you get some rest." Cree sighs tiredly, letting the cases and equipment he is holding drop on the brown carpet with a light thud.

I feel slightly uncomfortable standing in the middle of a strange house so I nod quickly, hoping he takes me to my room straight away. "I'm pretty tired, so the sooner the better."

"Okay," He smiles understandingly, "I'll grab your case for you, the stairs are pretty steep."

He makes a grab for the case, but I block him with my hand, "You do realise that I can control how heavy things are, right? I don't really need help."

"Oh yeah," He scratches the back of his neck, "Just be careful, your abilities aren't as strong when you're tired."

I decide not to respond to that, it's not his fault that he doesn't know that I know that. I grab all of my bags and follow him to the door on the right, he opens it to a lit up stairway. I assume that the other doors led to the kitchen or something.

Upstairs I trudge behind him towards the end of the landing and into a room twice the size of mine, which is about fourteen feet by fourteen feet. The room is plain and has a simple cream carpet and wall, the furniture is all white and there is only a painting of a sunset on the wall to show any colour.

"I know it's kinda boring, but it's clean and it's only for the month; so you can get your own place after that and decorate it however you like." Cree yawns through the last part, before walking over to the window to close the curtains.

"Thanks for..." I pause, there's so much to thank him for.

He smiles at me tiredly, "Thanks for what?"

I find myself mimicking his smile, "For everything. I mean you and Avex did save me from Elowen and Galen."

He scratches the back of his neck, "I wouldn't call it saving, really. I think you could have handled it yourself."

"Yeah, totally. I couldn't even use my ability on them."

"Oh, right. I forgot that you can't use your ability against Aberrants when you haven't had training."

"Well I'd better get training then." I trail towards the door, "I guess you should be going now, you''re probably tired."

He stares at me for a moment, as if he's in a trance. I stare back, confused. His eyes seem to swirl like dark, melted chocolate as I study the strange look on his face. I'm about to ask him whats wrong when he suddenly jumps from his trance.

"Yeah, I'll see you in the morning." He rushes out, as soon as he leaves I close the door behind him.

I unzip my suitcase and pull out a pair of pyjamas, bringing the shirt to my nose I inhale deeply. I'm already starting to miss home, the smell of our washing powder only seems to make that worse.


I wake up to a wet patch surrounding my mouth and the smell of flowers.


I open my eyes and almost scream when I see gold-red eyes staring back at me, but I quickly realise it's Avex when he smirks at me. "Good morning, sleeping beauty, or should I say not-so-beautiful?"

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