Chapter 7 - Blocked

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I stare at them in shock, I really didn't expect them to turn up here. "Er, hi. What brings you here?" I ask quissically.

Elowen brushes a strand of dirty blond hair from her face, I've only just realised that its raining and that my hair is plastered to my face in tangles. She grins revealing a set of teeth that appear sharp and jagged in the moonlight, "We were passing through and saw you, so we thought that we should help you out. Maybe even give you a lift."

I crack my fingers nervously, I can't help but feel unsettled. Elowen keeps sending grins and glances towards Galen like she knows something I don't. "That's awfully nice, but I think I'll be fine. I need to clear my head anyway."

"Come on," Galen prompts, "you can clear your head later, it's safer for you to come with us than walk home in the dark." Although he isn't pulling the creepy grin Elowen is, his eyes seem to grab me, choke me with fear.

I slowly shake my head and start to back away, "No that's fine, I'm perfectly alright. I really need to clear my head."

Elowen frowns.

Galen starts to move towards me, "Get in the car, we're taking you home. Where it's safe."

"No," I refuse, the funny feeling in my stomach prevents me, "I'm not getting in the car. I don't want your help."

Elowen's whole face glows red, "Just get in the fucking car, we're not going to hurt you." She clenches her fists, trying to rein  in her anger.

I recoil backwards, "No one said anything about hurting me," I feel my voice shake, the feeling in my stomach turns to razor sharp coils, "I don't want to go with you, so if you would ever so kindly fuck off, then I would be grateful." I know they're not going to back off anytime soon so I resort to anger, hoping to scare them away.

"No need to be so hasty, Elowen." Galen interrupts, he doesn't seem to show much anger, "We just don't want you to get hurt, that's all."

I start to panic. Cree hates them. There's something off about them, I know there is. They want something from me, what do they want? Then suddenly I make the connection.

How didn't I realise before? Cree said the S.S.C.C was after me, and the easiest way to get to me would be through someone my age. They have weird names, like people from their communities. They're trying to take me away and I have no way to stop them. They're probably stronger than me and most likely have abilities.

I know when they see what I have realised, because Galen's face turns solid. Elowen pulls back her mouth revealing her sharp, pointed teeth. Apparently her terrifying teeth weren't a trick of the light and the do in fact resemble sharks teeth. I flick my gaze towards her hands revealing claws painfully bulging out of her fingertips. I gasp in horror.

Before they have chance to react I clumsily punch Galen in the jaw and sprint up the street. I fumble for my mobile in my pockets, I need to call Cree. I can hear footsteps advancing on me, it won't be long before they're on me. I select Cree's number, pushing my legs to the limit as I run.

The ringing seems to go on forever, but it could have only been two rings in before he picked up, "Asha? Where are you? I've been looking everywhere for you." The panic is evident in his voice.

"Cree!" I suddenly realise there are tears streaming down my face, "They're here! They're trying to get me."

"Where are you? I'll come and get you. Don't panic." His voice is strangely calm now, I hear a door in the background slam.

"I'm on Berks street," I can sense Elowen just behind me, "Please hur-" A scream escapes my mouth as Elowen dives on top of me. Her claws dig into me. My mobile slips from my grasp and slides into a bush.

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