Chapter 13 - Ironic Faerie: Interrupted

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My back aches. Is all I can think in the early morning light. This is why you shouldn't fall asleep on a sofa, Asha.


Whatever. My mind still thinks I'm Asha and I can't really help that. I let my eyes adjust to my surroundings to find everything to be upside down. Or everything is the right way up and I'm just hanging off the sofa for that matter. No wonder it feels like Satan impaled his horns into my spine. But really, why am I halfway off the sofa?

I drag myself off the sofa and pick myself up off the ground. So that explains it. Cree just so happened to take up all the space on the sofa and pushed me off. It's not even like he needs that much space, I mean his side of the sofa has been reclined. Stupid fuckboy. And he's snoring. But they're cute snores, the kind that could probably lull you to sleep.

He sighs a little bit, rolling over onto his front. He scratches the back of his head, leaving his brunet hair sticking up in different directions. His T-shirt rides up revealing the smooth, pale skin and slight indents besides his spine. His boxers are exhibited just a touch above the waistband of his pyjama bottoms. I find myself staring and his slick skin and the smooth curve of his spine.

I snatch my eyes away from him. Stop. I need to go upstairs before he catches me watching him like a creep.

And I do exactly that.

I enter my room turning to shut my door when I spot a figure out of the corner of my eye. "Holy shit!" I back into the wall, trying to catch my breath.

Rylyn sits on my bed, her face clear of make-up, stroking the fur of pretty grey cat. She gives me a tight smile, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I was looking for the cat and we just ended up sitting here."

"No, it's fine." I reassure her, shaking my head. "But are you alright? I mean you did faint last night. I could go get Cree or whoever."

"No. I'm okay. It happens a lot." She lifts the cat up, making a move for the door.

I cut off her escape, "Are you sure you're okay?" She's about to respond when I cut her off again. "I don't mean about you fainting. I'm talking about why you were upset before you ran out off the pub."

This causes her to scowl, "I wasn't upset. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You did throw them-"

"I said I'm fine." She hisses. "I don't know you, so what happens to me is none of your concern."

Before I can apologise or interrogate her further she's storming out of the door yet again. But she is right. I don't know her so I have no right to ask about her. And yet I can't help but worry about her. What happened between her going to the bar and coming back that caused her to feel so much rage?

I shake my head. This isn't my problem. I should just get dressed and worry about other things later. She's probably just overreacting about something. Cree did say that she was a pretty angry person, she probably just spilled a drink on herself. Somehow I doubt that's what happened, but she doesn't want me intruding so I'm better off just staying out of it.

I grab my black skinny jeans and a black jumper with some white printed graphic thing on it. I head into the shower and quickly sooth my aching back under the warm water. I lather myself in some soap with Latin packaging on it, probably a locally made thing. I rush to wash my hair and jump out of the shower, drying myself with a rough, white towel.

I head downstairs after dressing myself and styling my hair. Everyone appears to have woken up while I was getting ready as I can hear the quiet murmur of voices and the smell of toast. I find Cree, Celestine and Rylyn sat at the table each munching on toast or cereal. Cree grins when he spots me walking in and hands me a bowl that was on the table.

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