Chapter 3 - Staring Contest

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I shoot up when my alarm blares through the morning air, I'm still blinded by sleep so I lean of my bed trying to navigate my way to my mobile in attempt to switch the alarm off. I hear my mum stumbling around the kitchen, probably ironing her shirt for work, maybe even preparing breakfast.

I slide out of bed, onto the floor and drag myself over to my wardrobe, picking out a T-shirt and jeans for the day I head over to my mirror to apply a light layer of make-up before shrugging on my clothes; I start to look for my comb, but after ten minutes of looking its still missing. Sighing in frustration I run my hand through my dark, curly hair hoping that it looks decent enough, my brown eyes seem to have shrunken over night due to the lack of sleep, but hopefully that will ware of by the time class starts.

I hear my brother groaning and the sounds of his knees as he slides across the floor, the shower turns on soon after so I assume that he's in the shower; glancing at the time I see that if he's no longer that ten minutes then I'll still have time to brush my teeth without dragging him out.

I hear my mum screeching for me to come get breakfast, ignoring her I start to make sure my books are all packed; the screeching continues, but as I consider heading down the bathroom door opens and I rush in to brush my teeth, I'm hoping to be early this morning for the first time ever since I have Ash's car.

I rush down the stairs and call goodbye to my family, my mum still requesting that I have breakfast; I quickly start the car and back out of the driveway. I take care to drive properly, I don't want to be pulled up and have the police find that I also don't have a full license yet. I still find that cars horns follow me as I drive, obviously I'm not the best at driving or maybe I need to pay attention instead of singing along to 'Girls/Girls/Boys' as I head bang out of rhythm.

I pull into school, parking the car as near to the school as I can, not many students actually have cars due to the expense unless they're older students coming back here. Ash is rather wealthy, he doesn't talk about it much, but he'll gladly pay for drinks and other assorted beverages for parties so no one really uses him for his money. I'm glad that he's not here to view how I treated his car, he would go ballistic if I got so much as a scratch on his car.

Making it to the dining room I spot Mark and Maggie sat together, it looks like no one else is here yet; they look to be deep in conversation so I slow down hoping they finish before I sit down, when I do make it to the table they're still talking, but I only over hear 'Colin' and 'like'. They shut up when they spot me and I don't bother to ask about their conversation.

"Why are you so early?" Maggie questions, rearranging her red curls.

"I took Ash's car, his mum made me take it because Colin was too drunk to drop me home, which is why he's probably going to be late." I say bored, she should know by now what he's like.

Before she responds Colin strolls in and collapses on his seat, quite obviously out of breath, "Have a nice run?" I remark sarcastically.

"Totally," He sucks in a breath, "I thought that I should start exercising more." His face is flushed and a few drops of sweat run down the side of his temple, if he's run from his house then I'm seriously suprised that he's not dead.

Maggie raises an eyebrow questioningly, "Colin, you may dress like a nerd, but I doubt you need to do much more exercise." Her eyes run over his body, evaluating his toned arms. I'm glad I'm not the only one that's noticed it.

Colin ignores her so she starts talking again, "Anyway, I was thinking that we should go to that curry place this weekend, before the party of course." She picks at the red polish on her nails, waiting for our responses.

"You know I hate curry, it's rank." I pull a disgusted face, watching as Colin does the same.

Maggie sighs, leaning forward, "Come on, you never eat anything that's actually nice, it's always either too spicy or strong or sweet, etc, etc, etc."

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