Chapter 25 - Deamrat de Melsa

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My throat aches like all the tears I swallowed carved into the edges of my throat. My eyes are also crusty with tears and I struggle to open them, when I regrettably do open them I'm met with a harsh light. It must be about eleven but it's hard to know when I woke up about ten times last night for different amounts of times. My nose is also full of mucus and result to breathing through my mouth. I blink harshly through the light and struggle out of the bed. I sit on the edge with my hands holding on to my thighs - God, I feel like I've just aged at least fifty years since last night.

Despite how awkward it is I actually go to the toilet, but I think the guy behind the desk is sleeping. I blow my nose but it doesn't really help with the blockage. I splash some water on my face and dry to remove the mascara that's probably melded with my cheeks. I find that two new spots have formed on my forehead which is surprising since whenever I leave my make-up on I usually get at least ten. Well, I guess there's always good inside the worst of situations.

I let out a groan and slump on the edge of my bed again, wringing my hands anxiously. I wonder when someone will come to get me. Do I have to be bailed out? Or doesn't that apply here? I don't even know if anyone I know has the money to bail me out. Maybe Avex could sell his manga collection? Avex would rather kill Kaneki-Ken himself than do that. Or Rylyn could sell her cat - though she would rather let me rot in here if it meant giving up her cat.

My BFFs are great. So giving and thoughtful of others, like Ghandi.

I recline on the bed, ignoring the springs digging into my back. How the hell did I get accused of terrorism? I thought that I might get done for stabbing someone with a pen or 'accidentally' pushing someone in front of a bus, but terrorism? I mean this is a pretty shitty town but I wouldn't try to destroy it.

I don't have much time to wonder after that because the guy from yesterday with the grey moustache turns up. "Good morning, Miss Acutus, I'm sure you slept well."

"Actually, despite the peculiar taste of this room it was actually a very lovely stay, Mr whatever-your-name-is." I smile tightly and approach the door of the cell.

"Well, my name is Deamrat de Melsa, but you can call me Deamrat." He opens the cell and gives me his hand to shake.

I shake it, trying not to laugh, "Deamrat?"

"Yes, is that amusing to you, Miss Acutus?" The serious look on his face stifles my laughter.

I clear my throat, "Er, no. Just surprised that we're on first name basis."

"Well, I'm not on first name basis with you, Miss Acutus." He states, leading me back to the interview room.

That makes me feel slightly more awkward. "Well, I guess you could call me Trula?"

"I don't think that would be very professional." He takes a seat at the table and shuffles some papers, gesturing for me to sit opposite him.

I sit up straighter than I did last night, "Professional-smeshional, I don't care about names, I just want to get out of here."

"Well, Miss Trula, I assure you that you won't be here much longer, I just need to tell you that we'll be bringing your friends in for questioning as well, but I also have to tell you that we'll be keeping an eye on you. We may not have proof of what you may have done, but we do have to take precautions with these things." He minds the sheets in his hands, bringing a hand to his chin, "Actually, I think that is all, I'll escort you to the elevator."

I'm surprised that I've been able to leave so quickly but I don't question it. I get in the left where he leaves me. When the doors slide close I lean back against the confining box of metal and close my eyes, breathing deeply. I don't even think to look at the mirror inside the lift because I know the sight won't be pretty. I looked alright in the cell, but the lighting isn't exactly good for judging whether you look like you've been crying all night. I know that my eyes are red and puffy, sinking into my head; that there are sweat stains all over me; that my hair has probably become an un-tangable lug.

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