Chapter 18 - Milites Vitae

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A couple of days later Cree is once again bringing me to the administration office. Cree checked whether I had the 'polyglot' ability and apparently I do - he said that I would need to start training that ability as well as the mass one. This time I'm here to take a test. A test which will decide what job I will be taking. I'm nervous. I don't really have any idea of what I want to be, but I know there's a high chance that I may be disappointed when I see my final choices. I may not be sure about what job I want, but I know for a fact that I know what jobs I don't want. Gutting dead fish isn't really a deal breaker for me.

Once again we have to walk through the steps of talking to Diason. He still hasn't had a wash from what I can tell, or maybe he's just naturally greasy. Maybe he has naturally greasy skin, hair, palms, neck, clothing et cetera. Every time I come here I always have an internal debate over Diason's hygeine and why he was attracted to someone over three decades younger than him.

I suppose that you could consider Diason to be an interesting character - not one that you would want to get close to, mind you, but interesting all the same. He was interesting because there was obviously something under all his snide remarks and greasy hair, there was something so obviously tramutising in his past that made the simple act of showering a daunting subject.

I should write books, I sigh to myself. What an interesting story it would be, I can picture it now; Diason the dick head: The life story.

Maybe not. I wouldn't wish reading that on anyone.

Once Diason lets us through - after he's given Cree a series of suggestive comments and me death glares for rolling my eyes at him - Cree leads me down a different hallway this time, the one straight ahead. We walk past a few doors before he opens one on the right. The room is bigger that I expected, there's a rectangular table on the right and a middle aged woman sat on a plush chair with a laptop on her lap. She's dainty and has blonde thinning hair tied in a tight bun, she has sharp features including the sharp angle of her jaw.

"If you'll be seated we can start the test." She points over to the desk and doesn't spare a moment to glance up from her laptop.

"Er, sure." I look back at Cree hesitantly but comply when he gives me an encouraging smile. He leaves the room after telling that he'll be back in a few hours.

I shift around in my hard oak chair, waiting for the lady to give me a test paper. Eventually, she places her laptop  on the ground and places a large test paper on my desk. "You have three hours and forty minutes to complete the test. Everything that you need is provided for you and in the draw under the desk. The recommended time for each section is twenty minutes except for the last section which is forty minutes. You are not permitted to speak or leave the room throughout this test so it is recommended that you ask any questions that you have now."

"I don't have any questions, thanks." I respond, really wanting to get this thing over and done with.

She tells me to start and I flip the test paper open. There's a list of the sections of the test and there are ten. It appears that each section is a different level of all subjects, the first section is the lowest and section nice is the highest, and section ten is more focused on long lengths of writing like explaining volcanoes or something. Then without a second thought I jump right into the test.

After what seems like days I finally complete the test just as the lady looks at her watch and turns to me saying, "Please close your paper, your time is up."

I grin in relief but it melts away when the woman's frown transforms into a scowl, muttering "Incipient" under her breath.

I stare at her in shock. Her blatant hatred towards me leaves me feeling attacked and ashamed. I don't know why I feel ashamed, but I do. I'm ashamed that I am Incipient.

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