Chapter 11 - Tua Mater

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We successfully get out of the administration office without annoying the Chancellor too much, but I can't really say much for Diason. He was about as happy as a baby that had just had his candy stolen from him when Cree announced that we were leaving. Oh, and he sent both Avex and I threatening glares like he was claiming his man. I think Diason failed to remember that he's married and at least thirty years older than Cree.

"What the hell is with that Diason guy?" I ask, truly interested about his problem.

Cree gives Avex a side glance and shakes his head.

"She has to know." Avex hisses at him.

"No, she doesn't" Cree says with a low voice.

Because I totally can't hear them when I'm right here. "Hello. Right here. Whatever you're talking about feel free to tell me about it any time."

Cree spares a last glance at Avex, "Fine."

"Yo. Talk to me." I demand.

"Okay, Ash-Trula, here's the thing." It felt weird being called by that name. He glances around as if to check if anyone in the empty street could be listening. "You're from outside the walls and that has never really sat well with the people that live here. I've always thought it was to do with the fact that outsiders always tend to have stronger abilities than someone from a community, that due to the abilities becoming slightly weaker as they're passed through families, but since people like you - Incipients - are completely transformed without any interference from your family it means your abilities aren't affected."

"Okay." I say, quite honestly confused. "So they hate me because I just so happen to be better than them at something."

"I suppose." He deliberates his answer for a second, walking ahead of us both. "I guess its just like racism, they just asume things about you just because of your genetics."

"So now I have to deal with that as well as racism. Great." I spit sarcastically.

Cree puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder, "Racism isn't a big thing around here, at least not in the sense you're talking about."

"What do you mean?" What else can they be racist about? People can't be any more stupid than the are outside the walls, can they?

"Well no one really likes anyone that isn't like them. Whether you're human, a Faerie, a vampire etc. it doen't matter, everyone pretty much hates people like that. That's also another reason why they don't like you, because they think you've been influenced by humans too much."

"Okay, but they're not homophobic are they? Because I'm pretty sure that Diason was flirting with you." I gesture with my thumb in the direction of the administration office.

"No." He gives me a sad smile, "Everyone has always been pretty accepting of your sexuality. I think that's because of how separated we are from the outside world, we never really picked up on that."

"I guess that's better than nothing." I mumble. Having no homophobia is great, but the fact that they're going to judge me because I don't originate from here isn't very settling.

We arrive back at Cree's house within ten minutes and we're greeted with two new cars in the driveway. A red Honda and a black mini. Cree eyes the red Honda and glances back at me cautiously. Okay... I shouldn't assume that something really bad is going to happen, but I kinda am.

Avex and I follow Cree through the front door where we're greeted with new voices and laughter. A broad chuckle overrides the feminine laughter now, followed by the man telling a joke, which quite frankly it evades me how a he managed to get a laugh out of the females with such a crappy joke.

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