Chapter 27 - Love you

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

The only indication to tell me what is happening outside of my cell. It's raining. The only interesting thing that has happened in the two days I've been locked up in here - well, the guard did spill his coffee all over his computer, but that's not really the point. It's actually been raining non-stop for the two days I've been in here so it isn't really interesting at the moment (especially when it's made a massive puddle on one side of your bed.)

At one point I tried to slide the bed away from the wall so I could sleep in peace but for some reason the guard threatened to sedate me - must be the whole terrorist/Incipient/murder thing I have going for me.

Not having any real walls is also a problem when you have to go to the toilet and awkwardly have your guard witness you having constipation and then having to ask the guard to provide you with a tampon. I mean, I could have just sat on the toilet and waited for it to finish but I don't think I have seven days left in here. I've been thinking about asking the guard for a paracetamol for the past hour but I'm pretty sure he's currently surfing Porn Hub from witnessing the awkward movement of his arm behind the desk. So that's a definite no.

Since he's distracted I could always form an escape plan, the box of tampons contains a lot of strings which I could use to saw through the metal bars. If I could find some kind of sharp object I could use the rock hard bread that I've been given for food as a hammer - I might have to wait for my next meal since I put my last piece of bread in the sink with water for entertainment.

God, I am going crazy. Who even resorts to bread to be their saviour. Well, I suppose Jesus did when he fed hundreds of people with just two loaves of it. And Katniss Everdeen when her homeboy Peeta threw some at her.

But the real question is: What would Drake do?

I'm seriously about to analyse Drake's thought process when the door to the room slams open and in strolls Deamrat, my saviour!

I choke back my laughter when the guard almost falls out of his chair in an attempt to zip his pants up. He glares at me but doesn't say anything, most likely because he would be the one to get in trouble for-

"Miss Acutus, your trial is to be in one hour, I've asked Mr Guido to bring you a change of clothes and we're allowing you to have a shower." He says it with a certain amount of apology laced under his plain voice, "Mr Guido will escort you to the bathroom and take you to the court room, please refrain from trying to escape." I try not to flinch at the mention of Cree.

"It's okay, Deamrat, I think it's rather enjoyable pretending that this trial won't be completely biased." I wink at him jokingly, not bothering to show him any malice. I know that he doesn't want this to happen, despite only knowing him for a short amount of time.

"There's always hope, Miss Acutus, even if it's in a way you least expect." He smiles sorrowfully before heading into his office.

I don't have to wait long for my traitor ex-boyfriend to enter the room, looking like a puppy with its tail between its legs. Never thought that I'd see that look from Cree. I've had a lot of time to think about him over the last two days and I did eventually come to the conclusion that it wasn't worth it. There'll be no begging for an explanation. No pleading for him to save me. No screaming or crying or kicking or anything of the sort. I don't need his pity and he doesn't deserve any reaction that suggests that I ever loved him.

Because I did. I still do. I don't know when it happened, when I saw him after loosing that fight or in the midst of lying in his arms and pretending to watch a movie. It doesn't matter though, because he broke my heart and took the side of the guy that tried to rape my best friend. He broke my heart through his blind dedication to this crumbling community, through the way he so easily brushed me off and put me in those handcuffs.

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