Chapter 2 - The Ashes

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When we meet later on everyone is surprised to see Colin tagging along with me, I or we specifically, usually don't welcome new people into our group; sure we'll talk to them, but they are never able to join the group. However, today I was feeling nice (mostly curious) so I let him join us, that's not to say that he will always be welcome, but if everyone likes him, he can stay. Ash doesn't seem particularly pleased, but everyone else takes it in stride, Colin still manages to be weird - going in and out of his nervous shakes - thankfully none of my friends notice, or they just don't care.

While I scroll through my bbm, Ash leans in, "So why exactly is he here again?" I can feel the anger radiate of off him as he stares Colin down, luckily he doesn't care to look in our direction so he remains oblivious.

I sigh, dropping my mobile to my lap, "I've told you, he's cool alright? He needs some friends and I thought I could help with that." I think for a moment, "And I thought that I could at least help him with his sense of fashion."

He smirks leaning back in his chair, "I don't see how he's 'cool', but whatever. I don't really care what he does, I just don't like him."

I look at him shocked, "What? Why don't you like him?"

He shakes his head in amusement, "Because he has the hots for you," He gives me a look as if to say 'duh'. "He keeps watching you when you're not looking, its kind of creepy actually."

I decide to ignore him, he really doesn't know what he's talking about; Ash has always been a bit paranoid about guys liking me, but he's never stopped me from being friends with them, and he already knows that if he tries to, that I'll dump his ass straight away. I look back over to Colin who is joking around with two of the guys, Mark and Cason, they're both pretty big guys, they play for the local rugby club. As for everyone else they're chatting about a party this weekend at Maggie's house. It will probably only be a small party as her house is pretty small like most people that live in the inner city, there's going to be alcohol but it's going to be Ash buying it all as he's the only one that's actually eighteen.

"Hey Colin, do you want to go to the Ashes tonight?" I hear Mark ask, combing a hand through his dark hair. Then I suddenly realise that he has a thing for him, Mark only ever runs a hand through his hair when he's nervous and he only gets nervous around guys he likes or when speaking to an audience, everyone knows that Mark is gay, but he never really likes anyone.

"The Ashes? It's not even summer yet, how are we even meant to get to the Ashes?" Colin questions, scrunching up his forehead.

Everyone laughs at him and a light blush shows on his neck, I jump in trying to spare him the embarrassment, "It's just a stupid nickname they have for us, it's not the cricket thing, we're just going to hang around the park."

Before he can respond Ash butts in, "We call it the Ashes because Asha and I had our first kiss there, and these weirdos were there so they became obsessed with us and that park." I roll my eyes at him, he's just trying to bully Colin to 'claim' his woman. 

Cason starts laughing hysterically next to Colin, "Are you kidding me? We named it 'the Ashes' because-" Suddenly Ash dives across the table to cover Cason's mouth. They continue to run out of the dining hall as Ash tries to catch Cason.

"So what was he about to say?" Colin asks confused.

I decide to explain to him what happened, it's not like I'm the embarrassed one, "Well, as Cason was saying, we were all down at the park, and Ash and I had been going out for about a week; Ash took me to the swings, he went to kiss me and I was surprised to find that he had basically tried to eat my face, it was the worse kiss I had ever experienced. As it turns out everyone had seen and now they proceed to take the piss out of him whenever they can."

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