Chapter 12 - Rylyn's Wrath

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At around eight O'clock Avex and Cree drag me out of the house to 'socialise'. By that they mean taking me to the pub in town to sit awkwardly with their friends and pretending to have a good time. Well we're not actually there yet so I can't really say what will happened, but to be honest I was surprised that they have friends. I can barely put up with them both for a day, I wonder how their friends do it.

Okay, if you think that what they've been doing recently isn't weird then I hope you consider the fact that they're both holding hands and skipping to the pub is weird. Because I'm pretty sure that that isn't normal behaviour for young adults, regardless of sexuality.

When they realise that I'm lagging behind they both slow down to allow me to catch up. I take my sweet time to get to where they are, causing them to complain, but I just blank them.

"Come on, Trula." Avex whines, "we all know that you're being slow on purpose."

I cock an eyebrow at him, "No, you just want me to skip through the streets like a mentally challenged twelve year old." I tug my black hoodie closer to me when the wind picks up pace.

"No, I want you to skip through the streets like a majestic stallion. Like Cree and I are." I don't respond, except for the slight shake of the head. "Because Cree and I are majestic. Like majestic eagles, except horses. Like Jean Krischstein."

"Okay, Avex, we get it." Cree laughs, "But I agree with Trula, we do look a bit weird."

I'm still not used to people calling me 'Trula', I know that it's only been a couple of hours and that I don't need to be used to it, but it feels alien. I've been introduced to a completely new life along with a completely new name. But somehow when Cree says it, it sounds a bit more normal, a bit more comfortable.

"Cree," Avex gasps, "how could you say such a thing?" Mock horror fills his face as he stares at Cree in disbelief.

Cree rolls his eyes, "You do realise that Rylyn will kick your arse if you act like this in front of her."

"Rylyn wouldn't hurt a fly." He says confidently, but it certainly stops his little charade.

"You just keep believing that, buddy." Cree laughs, "But don't forget what she did to your manga collection after you tried to set her hair on fire."

Avex narrows his eyes, "Touché."

We find ourselves standing in front of a large pub named 'Armis Regiis.' The sign has golden letters on a green back, the building is covered in ivy and large, yellow roses even though it's the middle of winter. The building appears to be made out of stone with pretty old fashioned windows and the door painted green.

Cree catches me staring at the massive roses and speaks, "Avex controls plants so he can make them stay alive in the winter. People generally pay him for it because it's pretty hard keeping plants alive constantly."

"His power is so cool. You can do so much with it."

Unlike mine. Controlling someone's weight is pretty boring.

As if he knows what I'm thinking he says, "The only reason your's is crap is because you've never had any proper training. When your training starts you'll see a massive difference." He slides a hand through his hair, tugging when it gets tangled.

"I don't know... everyone just seems to be cooler than mine." I whine. "I mean controlling plants and wind are really awesome powers."

"Thank you." He grins at my compliment. "But seriously, all you need is training and your own style for it. When you do that everything you do with it usually looks cool."

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