Chapter 8 - Goodbye

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"Ashton?" I stare at him in confusion, but once the shock sets in I give him a cold glare, "I think I should be the one asking that question."

His gaze flickers over to Cree, frowning he looks back at me guiltily, "I came over to talk to you. I wanted to explain what you saw." He pulls at the sleeve of his hoodie nervously. He never gets nervous, it's probably because he knows how much he's messed up.


I mentally punch him in the face. "Oh. I think I know what I saw, and I don't need you explaining it to me because there is no reason for what you did!" I yell fiercely, sending him another heated glare. I can't beleive him! He wants to explain what happened! What bloody happened! He must take me for someone blind!

He flinches, "Asha," he takes a step towards me, reaching out to touch my arm, "I know you think what you saw was bad-"

"Bad?!" I screech, he pulls back his hand, "Oh no, what I saw wasn't bad. What was bad was that I actually believed that you wanted me. I believed that you cared. But no! All along you was thinking, 'oh, stupid little Asha will never figure this out. Asha is too stupid for that. Asha will never notice me and her bloody best friend having sex just above her head.'"

"Asha, could you just calm down. Please." He tries to console me in what I would once think was a calming voice just angers me to no end.

"This is exactly what I mean, Ashton." I sigh angrily, I can't believe I'm exhausted already. "You want me to calm down when I just caught you cheating on me. You can't expect me to take this all in stride, because quite frankly that idea is ridiculous. And I don't want your excuses either."

I start to walk the rest of the pathway up to my house, but a tight grasp on my arm stops me. "Asha, let me explain. You know that I would never hurt you!" He whispers desperately. He pulls me closer to him as I struggle against him. "You know that." I shake my head, no, I don't. "Yes, you do." He squeezes my arm painfully.

"No, I don't know that!" I try to sound as confident as possible between the tears in my eyes, "What have you ever done to prove that to me? All you've ever done is treat me like dirt and like the fool I am I always came back because I believed that you were a nice person."

Suddenly, his eyes fill with rage, making him look psychotic. In a flash he grabs hold of my hair, pulling my head back, "Listen here you worthless black, bitch; don't you ever speak to me like that again. No one could ever treat you as good as I do and don't you forget that."

"Quid putas discis valent? Get your vile hands off her, you racist, sexist scumbag!" Cree dives in, pushing Ash off me.

Cree stands between us, his fingers twitching. His back is tense as he glares at Ash, I can tell that he's trying to stop himself from using his ability. I don't want that either so I touch his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. "Cree, lets just go inside. There's no point." I try to signal this to him with my eyes. There's no point, I won't be here when morning comes, there is no point in starting a fight.

He nods recognising my plea, grabbing his elbow I pull him towards my front door. I fiddle with my keys trying to get inside as fast as possible. I sincerely hope that my parents aren't in, I don't want them questioning anything.

"Asha, you'll regret this." He calls from behind me just as I open the door.

I turn to him tiredly, "Goodbye, Ashton." Forever, "Please, just stay away from me."

Before he can respond I'm slamming the door shut behind me and securing the lock. Leaning against the door I clench my fists, squeezing my eyes shut. How did everything go to hell in just a space of three hours? Maybe this whole Aberrant thing isn't such a good idea. Everything just seems to be getting worse and worse ever since I met Cree.

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