Chapter 21 - Korean Boy Band Wanna-be

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The wind howls as Rylyn and I continue to make our way to Avex's. Rylyn's T-shirt now turned jacket barely does anything to keep me warm - my boobs aren't built to survive this. At least it's padded, I suppose that helps a bit.

I glance over at Rylyn, "So what did he mean when he said that my abilities don't work when he's got lead?"

She shrugs offhandedly, "You know how it blocks radiation and shit?" I nod, "Well, I suppose it blocks the energy from out mind so we can't actually use them."

"But wouldn't you need loads of it?" I ask perplexed.

"Technically, yes." She nods, hoping off the pavement, "But, we bless it with spells to make the range at which it blocks out abilities bigger."

"So, do you hire witches to do that as well?"

"Not really. It's a really simple spell and an actual witch isn't needed to cast it. We just need some potion stuff and a bit of Latin, where as real magic needs the power of a witch."

"So, blessing lead isn't real magic?"

"Yeah. But, if you went up to a real witch and mentioned it they'd probably just laugh in your face."

"That's a tad bit mean." I scowl.

"Nah, from what I've heard they can do much worse than that if they want."

"Like making me have an exoskeleton?"


We fall silent and the cold sets in again. And it doesn't help that it's just started raining as well. Bloody England. I focus on Rylyn who actually has the nerve to look colder than me. Alright, she did just experience something traumatic so I suppose that I can let her off. She's grabbing at the jacket that I gave her, pulling it tighter around her body, as if she can't get enough coverage.

"Hey." I place a hand on her shoulder cautiously, "You alright?"

She flashes her eyes towards me, "Oh, yeah." She shrugs me off.

"Okay. But just talk about if you need to. Or we could always go back there and teach that bastard a better lesson." I suggest, not really sure if I'm actually serious or not.

She shows me a tight smile, "'I'm not okay, but I can handle it. I just want to get to the party and not think."

"Then we'll do just that." I grab onto her hand again and tug her along.


We walk straight into Avex's house, not bothering to knock, since the blaring music makes me doubt anyone would come to let us in. The house is about the same size as Cree's, but the inside is incredibly different. It's very shiny and smooth, not as comfortable as Cree's. But since there's about thirty people on the bottom floor it isn't as uncomfortable as it would be without all the people. Not that this is comfortable, but at least with the amount of people not that much attention is drawn to us.

Well, that's how it feels until Avex lunges at us. From what I can tell he has perfected the art of lunging. He squeezes both Rylyn and I into a suffocating hug, which Rylyn escapes by digging her long nails into his waist. "OMG, Rylyn. That hurt you frog!" He screeches, but still doesn't pull away from hugging me so he ends up practically bursting my eardrum.

"Shit, Avex! Not so loud." I hiss at him, finally wiggling out of his embrace.

"Sorry" He rolls his eyes and ruffles his hair. Only then do I realise that he's dyed his hair from bleach blond to a deep red to match his eyes.

"You dyed your hair?" 

"No shit, Trula. Seriously, you need to catch up." He takes this time to take in my appearance which results in a raised eyebrow from his part. "What are you wearing? Are you taking fashion advice from Rylyn now?" He looks at Rylyn and spins back to me, "Did you swap clothes?" He hisses incredulously, "Why would you swap clothes with her? She couldn't dress herself to save her life!"

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