Chapter 19 - Evil Soap Lady VS Essri the Drug Dealer

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Somehow, both Rylyn and I end up waking late so we're now running around my apartment looking for stuff - well I'm not sure what Rylyn is looking for because she has all the stuff she needs in a bag. I'm just about to pull a T-shirt on when Ryyln comes stumbling into my room again.

"What are you looking for, Rylyn?" I say exasperated.

"Er..." She has another quick scan of my room before meeting my eyes, "I was looking for Senka."

"Who?" I stare at her blankly.

"My cat. You've seen her before, right?" 

I think back to when I found her sat on my bed with a cat at Cree's house. "Yeah, but I didn't know that you had brought it with you."

She shrugs, "I didn't, she just follows me everywhere and I let her in while you were asleep last night."

"Well, I didn't even know that she was here so I don't know where she could be." I go back to putting my shirt on when I hear a muffed meow from my duvet.

We both look at my bed surprised. Spotting a small lump moving beneath the duvet I throw the duvet of off the bed to reveal Rylyn's grey cat. It hisses at me and fleas into my living room, leaving a trail of fur behind it.

"Nice cat you have there." I comment, hopping over to my dresser to spray myself with a bit of deodorant.

"I know right. She's delightful." She sprawls out on my bed, clearly not aware that we're still running late for work.

"Totally." I drawl, "Now get up. I need to get to work."

"Bleh." She whines, stretching out like a cat. "But work is shit."

"I know, but we kinda have to go." I prompt, moving to push her off the bed.

She lours at me, "Don't push me, shit face."

"Oh, how sorry I am, Ry-Ry." I mock, continuing to push her.

 "You will be, shit face." She threatens, trying to kick me off her.

I catch one of her legs and she struggles to get out of my grip, "Stop being a shit and get out of my apartment. I need to go to work."

"Fine." She rolls her eyes and peels herself off my bed. "But you owe me some more baking lessons. I aim to be on Masterchef by the end of this."

"Okay. Deal." I nod, walking towards the front door. "Be here tonight after you've finished work, we'll do some more baking."


I make it to work with ten minutes to spare. It's across town so for once I actually took the train to get somewhere. The train was an older make and pretty slow compared to the trains in Manchester. It was small and even then it still had a few seats empty and despite the fact that it clearly didn't get cleaned often due to the lack of people, it didn't smell of piss.

The shop that I am now going to be working at is called 'Acth tabernam fullonum', which translates to 'Acth's soap shop' - very original.

The opening of the door causes a bell to ring as I step inside and I'm overwhelmed with the strong smell of different soaps. I glance around and spot a woman who looks to be in her seventies. She adorns a long floral dress, a white woollen cardigan, flat leather shoes, and skin coloured tights. Her grey hair is pulled back in a tight bun and she wears sixties chic glasses. Overall looking pretty damn stupid.

"Hello. I'm supposed to be working here." I call out to the woman who I assume is Acth.

She swivels around, her dress flowing around her ankles, she lets her eyes scan over me with an aloof gaze. "Ah, yes. I was informed of your arrival. You can get straight to unpacking the delivery van when it gets here. For now just stock the shelves with what you find in the back and put the stuff that is getting old on the shelves near the counter."

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