Chapter 4 - Aberrant

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The luminous lights flicker over head, casting shadows along the pale school walls; it's rather creepy being in school after hours, especially when you're the most paranoid person you know. A heavy breeze casts through the entrance of the school and manages to chill me to the bone, I would much prefer standing outside, but from the buckets of rain falling from the sky I'm putting that as a 'no' on my list of things to do. As much as I like Colin, it's at moments like these I hate him, he said to meet him here so he could talk to me, but I'm still here an hour after the arranged time. Someone may ask why I haven't left, well for one thing, I'm actually curious about what he wants to say, and two, he said to me that he was going to be late. Why? I have no idea, we attend the same classes and I can't think of a reason why he would be late if were meeting in the same building we were in for the past six hours.

I jump as I feel a hand on my shoulder, spinning around I get ready to punch my attacker, I sigh in relief when I see that it's only Galen who appears to be accompanied by Elowen. "Hey, it appears my beautiful maiden is in fact a majestic dragon in no need of protection, we mean you no harm, Asha, we just thought you could use some company."

I suppress the need to roll my eyes at him, "I don't need any company and I'm not your beautiful maiden nor am I a 'majestic' dragon." Realising that I must appear harsh I decide to apologise, "Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but I'm not really in the best of moods right now, I was supposed to meet Colin here about an hour ago, but he's been held up."

"It's fine, young maiden," He replies honestly, "We shall protect you from the titans and their foul ways!" He places a fist on his chest and the other on his back, standing in a stance with his feet hip width apart. I stare at him confused and give Elowen a worried look when he starts singing in another language, German maybe?

Elowen quickly intervenes and slaps him across the head with her bag, I'm not sure whats in there, but it was definitely heavy. "Shut up about your stupid animoos and mangoes! None of us know what you're talking about so wait until you find someone that does."

He scowls at her, giving her the look of death, "That hurt and FYI it's anime and manga, try getting your priorities straight before you start trying to eradicate my skull."

"Stop being so melodramatic, the most that bag could do is give you a concussion." She brushes him off with a flick of her hair.

Before the conversation can carry on a smoky voice interrupts us, "Well I didn't expect to see you two here, although I shouldn't be surprised."

Galen smirks evilly and seizes him up, "I thought you had stood this beautiful girl up, why wouldn't I take the chance to replace you?"

"In your dreams, Galen, you know that you'd never have a chance with her, you haven't exactly got much going for you, have you?" Colin eyes Galen in disgust.

If that flustered Galen, he's very good at hiding it, "You can't really say much, Cree, didn't that girl of yours leave you for a commoner? If she'd leave you for him then I guess you can't have much sex appeal."

A commoner? What is he talking about? Maybe it's someone from the city? And who's Cree? I never did pick up on Colin's lastname, although Colin Cree sounds a bit weird; I thought Colin was weird, but when Galen is calling people from the city 'commoners' I think that makes Colin appear a bit more normal.

Colin's fists curl up into tight balls, but his face never changes, "We all know that isn't true, and even if it is, we all know that there's only one person here that's never been in a relationship and that's you. You don't even have the excuse of being shy because you've made it plainly obvious that your ego is bigger that you yourself."

Galen's face flushes red, whether in embarrassment or anger I can't tell, "I would kill you right on the spot if it wasn't for our current location, but as you can tell it isn't the most appropriate of times." Without another word Galen and Elowen walk out the doors leaving us standing in the middle of the doorway.

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