I Remember (Hijikata Toshiro)

Start from the beginning

"....A friend you care deeply about, huh?..."Hijikata repeated as he looked down, clecnhing his fists. 'How stupid am I?! How weak am I?! Why can't I always protect the ones that I love?!' Hijikata bit his lip, feeling guilty with all the memories rushing back to his mind.

Suddenly, he felt a hand upon his clenched fist. Looking up, Hijikata saw (Y/N) holding his clenched hand with that sweet smile plastered on her face. "Don't blame yourself too much. Not everything that happens is your fault, sometimes it's just you who thinks that way." She says softly and Hijikata felt tears pricking his eyes.

"I-I wasn't!!" He denied, with a small blush on his cheeks. So, Hijikata decided he would be the one to watch over her and protect her while she was still recovering and until her memory gets back.


"Oh, Kondo-san!!" (Y/N) brightened up when she spotted the Shinsengumi Chief sit beside her upon the porch where she was calmly watching over the backyard. "How are you feeling, (Y/N)-chan?" Kondo smiles as he crossed his arms and watched the yard with her.

"I'm feeling quite fine. I can move my arm around now too!" She exclaims, waving her once-bandaged arm. "That's great, but has your memory come back yet?" Kondo asked and she frowned.

"Nope...Sadly, it hasn't. But, the heart remembers what the mind forgets. Everything here feels so natural to me." She grins, "I've been experiencing something lately, would you mind to listen, Kondo-san?" She says, placing a hand on her chest.

(Y/N) bit her lip, feeling a bit nervous. "What is it? Does something hurt, (Y/N)-chan!?" Kondo worriedly looked at her to see a soft and sincere expression on her face.

"No....It's quite the opposite," She laughs a little as she closed her eyes, clutching her chest. "Every time I see Hijikata-san, my heart clenches and I get nervous. He said we were just friends, so...I feel confused. Am I supposed to be feeling this way?" (Y/N) says and Kondo gaped, his jaw dropping to the ground.

"(Y/N)-chan, that's because you love him!!!" Kondo squeals, as he grabs her shoulders and shake her lightly. "You are in love with Toshi!! This is great! Hahahah, indeed! The heart remembers what the mind forgets! Even your feelings remain the same after losing your memory!" Kondo teared up, as he nodded proudly.

"How dedicated your heart is!!" Kondo laughs, letting go of her shoulders and standing up. "Then, I have some stalking- I mean work to do, (Y/N)-chan!!" Kondo waved goodbye and disappeared.

"I'm in love with him?...Or, is it just my imagination." (Y/N) hissed as she placed a finger on her chin. "I should ask Sougo next time." (Y/N) nodded to herself. "(Y/N), I brought you some snacks." Hijikata appeared with a tray of tea and food.

"Hijikata-san, you didn't have to!" (Y/N) gasped when Hijikata sat beside her. "No, I promised to take care of you, so this much is needed." He says, immediately pouring tea out for her. "After eating, you have to drink the medicine again." Hijikata reminds her and she smiles.

"Yes, yes. I know." She giggled lightly, cupping the cup of tea with her hands as she looked at Hijikata with a fond look. 'But...It is not impossible to fall for such a man.' (Y/N) thought as she sipped on her tea.


"Nee-san, are you feeling okay? Does anything hurt? Are your memories back?" Okita flooded her with questions when he visited her. The young boy often visited her to check up on her condition, and by often that meant every single day.

"I'm fine, everything's fine, Sougo. You're quite a worrywart aren't you?" (Y/N) says when Okita took a seat opposite her in her room. "I can't loose you, nee-san." Okita looked down, and (Y/N) could see the small pout forming on his lips.

"You won't lose me, haha." She laughed as caressed his cheek with her hand before slightly pinching it. "You're so cute!~" She squealed.

"Oh right, Sougo. I wanted to ask you something." She says as Okita looked at her in alarm. "It's a bit unusual and I'm unsure of what it is. But, every time I see Hijikata-san my heart clenches and I feel nervous. What do you think it is, Sougo?" She looked at Okita with innocent eyes.

(Y/N) watched as Okita's lips parted but no words came out. His red eyes had some sort of emotion swirling in them...it was like anger. "Nee-san, don't get close to him again. You seem to have an allergic reaction." He says, his eyebrows furrowed in an angry manner while (Y/N) tilted her head.


"I have some more planning to do now, nee-san. See you later." Okita says, a dark look in his eyes as he waved goodbye to (Y/N) and walked away. Not too soon after, Hijikata went to her room.

"(Y/N), wanna go for a walk?" He asked and (Y/N) grinned as she stood up. "Of course!!"

After a while of strolling peacefully in the town, they went to the bridge, (Y/N) hummed lightly as she happily leaned against the railings on the bridge. Hijikata watched her with a loving gaze, she was slowly starting to act like herself again.

"(Y/N), are you alright?!" Hijikata yells as he rushes to her side and holds her shoulder when he saw her hold her head in pain. "I-It hurts..." She clenched her jaw before she suddenly weakened her tight hold on her head.

"Toshi!" Her eyes opened and she was looking at him. "W-What happened?..." He asked, and she shook her head. "My...My memory just returned!" She gasped before her lips cracked into a smile.

"R-Really? You remember everything?" Hijikata says as she nodded eagerly. "I....also remembered something else," (Y/N) suddenly blushed and looked away from Hijikata's eyes.

"W-What is it?" For some sort of reason, Hijikata felt nervous too. He gulped, keeping his eyes on her, awaiting her next words with his heart beating beating loudly against his chest.

"I....remember that I love you, Toshi. I will always remember that I love you." Her lips cracked into a wide grin, as Hijikata became speechless. "Y-You, m-me....L-Love? What?" He stammered, fumbling over his own words, with a blush now coating his cheeks and (Y/N) giggled as she pulled him closer.

"Get a hold of yourself, Toshi. It's just me." She joked as she cupped his cheeks with her hands and leaned closer. Their lips met into a fiery kiss full of love, passion and affection.

"I think I just remembered something too..." Hijikata smiled as he leaned his forehead against hers and stared right into her beautiful (E/C) eyes.

"I remember....that I love you too. But, I never forgot about it in the first place."

IT WAS BAD. SO SORRY. pinecest15 😭. I'm so sorry. I dont think I did a good job with ur request. Author-san tried her best tho??? Uhm, hope u like it and I hope u will continue requesting and reading!!

To those who want to ask some questions, as I've asked in the previous chapter. You can drop the questions and I'll answer them all on the 140th Chapter! U guys deserve to know what u want!! ♥️♥️♥️

I'll apologize in advance for all the incoming updates because my writing seems to be getting worse recently. Its like my brain is shutting down amd I cant think up of any romantic lines and stuff. But it'll pass soon! Haha!

Requests still open!! ♥️ if anyone wants to request that is.

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