34.6:"Repent, suspect and first love".

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A/N: This is the second last chapter. :(


His heart didn't allow him the rest for a minute in the agony of his lover fighting between life and death. At that moment he realised that seed in his heart that was planted it a while ago, had now grown into a tree that wish nothing more to provide and give shelter to her.

He loves her.

It wasn't hard but now when he regrets wasting the precious time he could have held her longer and those times he could have talked more. Now, knowing that she might never come out of there and those crystal eyes might never have the glee in them anymore that he loves and those lips that tasted like a new territory with unique flavours each time he might not be able to cherish and lavish her like that anymore.

His heart bleeds for his lover praying that he has one more chance to be with her and to provide her with the life she deserves. His parents were informed but due to security concerns, they were not able to leave the palace. His father had been on a call with him for hours hearing him crying and no one has ever seen the Prince (King) cry over anything.

He is someone who never had anything to cry for. He had all luxuries, best parents and best life that one desires however today he was helpless and he realises that she was right. These things will leave and mean nothing one day.

She meant everything to him.

And if she wasn't there how will he function properly?. He cannot imagine not waking up to find her snuggle into him sleeping peacefully while he looks at her for hours. To when he will shower quickly before her knowing she doesn't like to be late to work and to watch her waking every morning smiling at him. When they had breakfast peacefully while she giggles sometimes when he would kiss her nose which she finds tickling. The meals and talk they share all time long. How will he able to live anymore without having her in his arms every night to sleep peacefully?.

He doesn't know.

Regret, questions and lastly fury of someone poisoning his Queen had taken over his every other sense. He had forbidden anyone besides his guard and hospital staff to be around him. He had been on the metal chair while his back hurts and he stayed there feeling the burning pain in his chest until he fainted.

He opens his eyes feeling the burning in his eyes and all over his body trying his best to gain consciousness hearing everyone calling for him. However the voice he wishes to listen never once called him and he went back to sleep.

The next time he opens his eyes he finds himself in the hospital room attached with few tubes and his parents sitting on the couch sleeping. He feels his body heating and the pain intensify as he tries to move when his parents woke up.

"Beta, how are you?". His mother asked as she starts to cry holding his hand

"I-I am fine". He said stuttering as his father gives him a glass of water, "What happened?. Wait, where is my wife?. How is she?. Is she-".

His father places a hand over his shoulder, "She is ok".

His shoulder slumped but the pain remains in his chest as he tries to stop it then he looks at his father to explain the problem to him.

"You were poisoned". His father said a stern, "Did you eat the sweets she had?".

He shakes his head as his father continues, "Someone manages to poison them with a deadly poison that was meant to kill her. We still can't find the source or how it all happened. But you were given the same poison so how?".

Then he remembers that he had licked the syrup and his heart stopped. If he was in this pain with that little amount then how much is she in?.

He starts to remove the tube off him when his parents asked for him to stop.

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