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Thank you for all the love and support I absolutely loved it. I am very excited to share this story with you all and hope you enjoy it along with me. 💕


"Why are you looking at him?". Shaikhah asked

She turned to her shrugging, "He looks sad".

"Hi". She heard a soft voice say beside her

She turned towards the same boy she was looking at before standing in front of her.

She smiled, "What's your name, beta (son)?".

"K-Kaled". He said softly

"Khaled". She said patting his head, "What are you doing here?".

His little face turned into sadness as he shrugged, "I don't know. Aunty said to sit there quietly every time we come here. I am hungry".

She frowned at his first words but when she heard that the poor child was hungry she looked through her bag.

"I made this sandwich. I hope you like it". She said softly

He nodded eagerly taking the sandwich from her hand opening it.

"Beta (son), sit and eat". She instructed

Khaled looked around to find a place to sit but found none. He looked back at the woman opening his tiny hands for her to pick him and she did. She placed him into her lap allowing him to eat his sandwich happily.

"Thank you. I like it". He said grinning

She kissed his forehead, "Go on. Sit back down before your aunty is back".

His eyes widen fearfully as he ran back on his spot. Right then, she saw the woman with a hard face coming outside grabbing his hand forcefully taking him away.

"That poor soul". She said sighing

"Is there a reason you need that much money?". Her phopho said

"What do you mean?". She asked confused

"You and your mother can live off in a little amount. Why do you want to spend so much money for no reason?. Don't you know wasting money is haraam (forbidden)?". Her phopho said

"But Ammi has an important checkup and tests she needs to do". She argued

"Don't speak to me like that. Did she forget her manner after her husband died?". Her phopho said angrily, "Your mother is perfectly fine as you can see so there is no need to go to the hospital whose work is just to make as much money from people possible"

"But-". She started

She didn't get to say anything because her phopho started creating even bigger scene until her mother said 'yes' to her demands. She wanted to take her mother for this checkup because she wasn't looking good these days but she couldn't do anything.


Two months passed, it was long and painful days until she found who was behind the fraud that the company was facing.

"It's Nida". She said looking at him

"I don't even know what to say". He said sighing tiredly

"You don't have to say anything to me but you need to take actions because your information is now in the market which is dangerous. I built a function to stop it from going on but for that, I need her away from here". She said softly

He nodded, "I will have my law team on this".

"Ok. Will I leave this week then?". She asked

"Why in a hurry?". He asked

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