Chapter 45 :- Adolfo Agostino

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This felt like it was written to happen. I was meant to make this move. The ride all the way to Adolfo's mansion was silent. 

We stood outside the Adolfo mansion. I never noticed this before the gates to this palace were huge. This place gave me goosebumps and chills. It was a nightmare. It felt like walking in hell. 

Enzo opened the gates of the mansion. We walked inside in silence and no ambush. This place was cleaned and shut down after Lucifers attacked to save me. Save me? was he really there to save me. I always had this question in my mind. There was something more in this omerta that was kept silent. This omerta wasn't just to keep silent on the mafia work but there was something more to it. 

" There is no one here," said Giana 

"Let's go inside," I said and they followed without arguing. It felt like I was their leader. 

" I'll go check upstairs," Said Mark and looked at Enzo who followed Mark upstairs. 

"Why did you want to come here?" asked Gianna. We kept walking around the mansion. I walked inside the meeting room where Adolfo talked about me signing his omerta contract. 

" Because he's here," I said running my fingers on the long wooden table. Gianna looked at me in horror but she believed me. She pulled her gun out and loaded it to keep it ready. 

" How can you be so sure?" asked Gianna. I walked out of the mansion to the Chruch side. The doors were opened and wooden seats were filled with dust. There was an empty bullet cartridge still laying on the ground. I remember how I looked I right into his eyes and said " I did what I had to do, and I dont regret it cause am not scared of you anymore"   

I smirked at my braveness that day and walked till the middle of the church and stoped as I remember I was never meant to reach the end of the aisle that day.  I remembered Max saying

 " He's standing and waiting for you at the end Faith, its time to walk down the aisle but you are never going to reach up to him I will never let that happen" 

Max, oh Max. I will never ever forget his sacrifice. I walked out at the backside of the mansion. Gianna was following me silently. As if she could feel me remembering all the horror that I have experienced here. 

The garden was dried like it was burned to ashes. Dry afternoon breeze flowed in bringing the foul smell of the dead. I looked up at the Maze gate. I was panting now. The maze never left its horror vibe. It was it as it was before. 

I felt Gianna standing close and besides to me. " How did you survive this maze?" she whispered. 

I never took my eyes off the maze. " This maze was made not to bring the end of me" I replied and she looked at me confused. 

" I was saved. I got help," I said. 

" Inside the maze?" Gianna asked with her brows furrowed in confusion. 

" There are somethings that should stay hidden and secret" I whispered. 

" What are you talking about?" Gianna asked. 

" I can't give you the answers because I dont have the answers," I  said looking at her. 

" Faith you are freaking me out, who helped you inside?" rasped Gianna. 

" I dont know, but there was someone," I said looking back at the gate of the maze. 

" Did it speak to you?" she asked.

" She did" I replied quickly

"It's a she, what did she say?" Gianna looked curious. 

"A secret," I said and turned to look at Gianna. 

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