07 | flame drenched

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Her eyes opened, unable to bear the hot sun rays drilling holes onto her face. Shooting up from the bed with a sigh, she closed the blinds letting a dainty amount of light enter her room, just enough for everything to be visible.

"Lysandra, dear," came Jade's voice through the door just as she necked down the bottle of water on her bedside table. "It's almost 7 o'clock! Don't you have to go to school?"

"Jay," she said, her voice husky. Clearing her throat and clutching her throbbing head in between her hands, she crouched down onto the floor. "I am not feeling too well."

"Alright then, love. Take care, okay? Jade said opening the door and staring down at her, having already prepped up for work. "You know where to find me if need be."

Lysandra smiled and then winced as her head felt as though it was slammed by a hammer. "Thank you. You better leave before your boss decides to give you a lecture about tardiness."

"That woman," Jay muttered, exasperatedly, "She expects us to be there on time right to the second. Plain madness is what it is, really. I bet she doesn't have any kids to take care of back home."

"Even if she did have kids, I am sure you are the better mother."

"Look at you! Being all sweet and playing nice. If you display the same affection to that bad boy of yours, I am sure he'd be down on one knee in no time!"

"Jay," warned Lysandra. "He is not my friend. Just an acquaintance. And he is far from a bad boy!"
She snorted forming an image of Laurent smoking or vaping whilst having two scantily dressed girls sitting on either side of him, clinging to him. She almost laughed out loud at how funny the image turned out to be. If anything, she could see herself looking a little better while doing those things.

"Oh, the way he looks at you and tattoos peeking out of his shirt, onto his neck say otherwise," winked Jade. "I wonder how many others he has, hidden underneath his clothes. Too bad I'll never see them."

"I swear to God, Jay, you should've gotten stuck in the body of a teenager!"

"I wish I was, darling. But, there's nothing much I can do about it now, is there? Besides, I heard some guys dig older woman."

"That's it!" chuckled Lysandra. "Will!"

"Don't call William now. He will fuss about it like a little teenager. I better skedaddle before he is here. See you in the evening!"

"Right," the teenager said, shaking her head at the older woman's antics. "You better not ogle your customers!"

"I might," she said, placing her index finger on the lips as if asking her to keep a secret. Lysandra made a gesture of sealing her lips. Jade blew a kiss towards the figure in the room and skipped away, getting down the stairs.

 Jade blew a kiss towards the figure in the room and skipped away, getting down the stairs

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