Part 50

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Erin/Brookes POV

After a couple of minutes of talking to Antonio, Hailey and Kevin about everything under the sun I make my way back over to Julian, who is looking like a lost puppy. "Hey, you okay?" I ask. "Ye, just a little rowdy and full on all this. I think I'm gonna go, im just lingering around- call me when you need picked up" Julian weakly smiles walking off. "Mum, is Julian okay?" Hallie asks from beind me, obviously just coming back from wherever she's been with Jay. The sudden name change from Hallie when it come to Julian still throws me a little, but you can't blame the poor lass. "Ugh, yes he's fine" I lie, knowing Julian is far from alright, but Hallie doesn't need to know that. "Where you been?" I ask changing the subject. "Bartolios" Jay answeres holding up a bag of pizza boxes. "Ooo nice, well i'll leave you all to enjoy your pizzas" I smile, taking the twins off Kevin and Kim. "No, no, no, your staying here kiddo" Hank states not giving me a choice. "Is that a no?" I ask sarcastically at how heartfelt Hank said no. "Shut up and eat the pizza" Hank laughed, shaking his head at how much his daughter had changed but the small things hadn't- the things he loved about his daughter. "So, have you talked to Julian anymore? I talked to Jamie and Maddison about everything and they are happy for me, but will miss me if you agreed and Chuck just 'chucked' me over the cell" Hallie says, all faces turning to confusion for many reasons. "Umm, yes we have" I start, looking at Jay who was part of this conversation, for one hundered percent agreement. "Its alright with us- including Jay- as long as you come back and see us all the time" I confirm what Hallies wanted answered the most in ages. Her eyes beam with exitment and happiness along with Jays, whos just as happy and over joyed at how happy Hallie is about staying with him and how she taken to him. "Ofcourse I will mum! You and Jay along with the twins and everyone back in Tree Hill are my family and always will be" Hallie smiles emotionally, wrapping her arms around me. "Wait, what's going on?" Everyone asks, not knowing what just happened. "We gotta new member of the team. Hallies coming to live with me" Jay smiles a proud fatherly smile. "Dude, thats awesome!" Hailey gasps, happy for her partener and best friend. Jay stands there, gushing at with slight embarrassement and trying to contain his exitment as much as possible. Jays knocked out of his daze when he's knocked back slightly with the force of his daughter wrapping her arms around his waist. I was really happy for him, he'd never tell you how he felt but I could read him so so easily.

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